Dr. Philipp Johannes Thurner
at Technische Univ Wien
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (4)

Proceedings Article | 13 March 2006 Paper
Romain Voide, G. van Lenthe, Philipp Schneider, Philipp Thurner, Peter Wyss, Urs Sennhauser, Marco Stampanoni, Martin Stauber, Jess Snedeker, Ralph Müller
Proceedings Volume 6143, 61430X (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.650485
KEYWORDS: Bone, Visualization, Head, Tomography, Image resolution, Nondestructive evaluation, 3D image processing, Failure analysis, High speed cameras, Neck

Proceedings Article | 14 April 2005 Paper
Philipp Thurner, Ralph Muller, Johannes Kindt, Georg Schitter, Georg Fantner, Peter Wyss, Urs Sennhauser, Paul Hansma
Proceedings Volume 5746, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.595799
KEYWORDS: Bone, Atomic force microscopy, Tomography, Failure analysis, Collagen, Tissues, Synchrotron radiation, Spatial resolution, 3D image processing, Functional imaging

Proceedings Article | 26 October 2004 Paper
Philipp Thurner, Peter Wyss, Romain Voide, Martin Stauber, Bert Muller, Marco Stampanoni, Jeffrey Hubbell, Ralph Muller, Urs Sennhauser
Proceedings Volume 5535, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.559515
KEYWORDS: Bone, Tomography, Tissues, Scanning electron microscopy, 3D image processing, 3D visualizations, Gold, Synchrotron radiation, Failure analysis, Positron emission tomography

Proceedings Article | 7 January 2002 Paper
Bert Muller, Philipp Thurner, Felix Beckmann, Timm Weitkamp, Christoph Rau, Ricardo Bernhardt, Erdal Karamuk, Ludwig Eckert, J. Brandt, Stefan Buchloh, Erich Wintermantel, Dieter Scharnweber, Hartmut Worch
Proceedings Volume 4503, (2002) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.452843
KEYWORDS: Bone, Tissues, Spatial resolution, Optical spheres, Polymers, Titanium, Modulation transfer functions, Human-machine interfaces, Synchrotron radiation, X-rays

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