We review the phase-matching properties of AgGa1–xInxSe2 for second-harmonic generation of a CO2 laser at 10.7186–9.2714 μm. The refined Sellmeier equations for AgInSe2 coupled with our previously published Sellmeier equations for AgGaSe2 are found to reproduce well the critical phase-matching conditions at 10.5910–9.2820 μm thus far published in the literature. In addition, these Sellmeier equations are used to clarify the reason for the discrepancy between the measured and calculated 90° phase-matching conditions at 10.6964–9.2714 μm.
KEYWORDS: Optical parametric oscillators, Second harmonic generation, Nd:YAG lasers, Sum frequency generation, Thermal optics, Gas lasers, Ferroelectric materials, Solids, Crystals, Refractive index
We report the experimental results on the temperature-dependent phase-matching properties of BaGa2GeS6 for second-harmonic generation (SHG) and sum-frequency generation (SFG) of Nd:YAG laser-pumped KTiOPO4 (KTP) and HgGa2S4 (HGS) optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) and a CO2 laser in the 0.7674-10.5910 μm range. The experimental values for type-2 90° phase-matching SHG wavelengths in the short and long wavelength branches were measured to be λ1 = 2.0376 and 7.6740 μm, respectively. By using a BaGa2GeS6 crystal cut at θ = 48.1˚ and Φ = 0˚, we measured the type-1 and type-2 phase-matching angles for SHG and SFG of a Nd:YAG laser-pumped KTP OPO at λ = 3.1092 μm and HGS OPO at λ = 7.6740 μm as well as those for SHG and SFG of a waveguide CO2 laser. In addition, we derived the Sellmeier equations that provide a good reproduction of the experimental results for the phase-matching data. The temperature phase-matching bandwidths (FWHM) were also obtained in eight different phase-matching conditions by using the measured temperature variation of the pump wavelengths, the measured temperature dependence of the phase-matching angles (Δθext/ΔT) from 20℃ to 120℃ and the angular acceptance (Δθext‧l) calculated with our Sellmeier equations. Moreover, the temperature phase-matching bandwidth (FWHM) for type-2 90˚ phase-matching SHG was determined to be ΔT‧l = 12.2 ℃‧cm from the measured value of dλ1/dT = +0.3 nm/℃ and the calculated spectral bandwidth (Δλ1‧l). From these experimental results and the dn/dT measured at five wavelengths, we derived a thermo-optic dispersion formula valid in the 0.7674 − 10.5910 μm spectral range.
We present updated Sellmeier equations for CdGa2S4 that reproduce well the phase-matching angles for Yb:KGd(WO4)2 and Cr:forsterite femtosecond-amplifier-pumped Hg0.35Cd0.65Ga2S4 optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs) and a Ti:Al2O3 femtosecond-amplifier-pumped Hg0.51Cd0.49Ga2S4 OPA in the 5.6–11.5 μm range, when combined with our previously derived Sellmeier equations for HgGa2S4.
This paper presents refined Sellmeier equations for AgGaSe2 that provide a good reproduction of the phase-matching angles for optical parametric oscillation and difference-frequency generation processes in the 1.85–18 μm range thus far reported in the literature. In addition, these equations are found to reproduce the experimental results for second-harmonic and sum-frequency generation of CO2 laser radiation in the 1.7652–10.5910 μm range.
This paper reports on the updated Sellmeier equations for AgGaS2 that provide an excellent reproduction of the 90° phasematching conditions for up-conversion of a CO2 laser to the green spectral range (0.565–0.566 μm) as well as those for difference-frequency generation using wavelengths below 0.7 μm.
We present updated Sellmeier equations for β-BaB2O4 based on measurements of the phase-matching angles for second-harmonic (SHG) and sum-frequency generation (SFG) of a Nd:YAG laser-pumped 90° phase-matched RbTiOAsO4 optical parametric oscillator (OPO) and a Nd:YAG laser in the 0.6407 - 3.1392 μm range. The phase-matching angles predicted by this index formula agree well with the recently published data points of SFG between a Ti:Al2O3 laser and Nd:YAG laser-pumped KTiOAsO4 OPO in the 0.40 -5.3 μm range {G. Tamosauskas et al., Opt. Mater. Express 8, 1410 (2018)] as wellas those for SFG below 0.2048 μm thus far reported in the literature.
This paper reports on the new thermo-optic dispersion formula for AgGaSe2 that provides a good reproduction of the temperature-dependent phase-matching conditions for second-harmonic generation (SHG) and sum-frequency generation (SFG) of a CO2 laser and a Nd:YAG laser-pumped KTP optical parametric oscillator (OPO) in the 1.5558 - 10.5910 μm range as well as those for difference-frequency generation (DFG) between the signal and idler outputs of a Nd:YAG laserpumped 90° phase-matched CsTiOAsO4 OPO at λi = 7.5190μm when combined with the modified Sellmeier equations of the present authors [E. Takaoka and K. Kato, Appl. Opt., 37, 561-564 (1998)].
This paper reports on the phase-matching properties of LiIn(SxSe1-x)2 for type-2 sum-frequency generation (SFG) between the fundamental and second-harmonic of a CO2 laser at 10.5910 μm. The calculations based on the Sellmeier and thermo-optic dispersion formulas of the present authors [Appl. Opt. 53, 7998 (2014) / 53, 1063 (2014)] for LiInS2 and LiInSe2 revealed that LiIn(S0.8Se0.2) is nearly 90° phase-matchable for this process along the y (= a) axis with Δθext·ℓ1/2 = 33.4 deg·cm1/2, Δφext·ℓ1/2 = 13.9 deg·cm1/2, and ΔΤ·ℓ = 117°C·cm at 20°C.
This paper reports the 90°phase-matched Hg0.35Cd0.65Ga2S4 optical parametric oscillator (OPO) pumped by a Nd:YAG laser at 1.0642 μm in the 8.24-9.40 μm range. The resulting data for the temperature tuning curves of the two idler wavelengths were found to agree well with the theoretical values calculated with the Sellmeier and thermo-optic dispersion formulas constructed from those of HgGa2S4 and CdGa2S4 presented in our previous paper (K. Kato et al. Opt. Commun. 386, 49-52, (2017)). The OPO threshold was ~ 0.3 W, which is 57% lower than ~ 0.7 W observed for the 8-mm-long HgGa2S4 crystal.
This paper reports on the phase-matching properties of LiGaS2 for upconverting a Nd:YAG laser-pumped KTP and AgGaS2 optical parametric oscillator (OPO) at mid-IR to the near-IR by mixing with its pump source together with the new Sellmeier equations that provide a good reproduction of the present experimental results as well as the published data points of second-harmonic generation (SHG) and sum-frequency generation (SFG) of a CO2 laser, a Ti:Al2O3 laser-pumped optical parametric amplifier (OPA), and a Nd:YAG laser-pumped OPO in the mid-IR.
This index formula gives the important information that group velocity mismatch (GVM) (Δsp = 1/υs - 1/υp) of LiGaS2 in the 4 - 11 μm range is 12 ~ 27 fs/mm lower than that of the widely used LiInS2, which makes it ideal for the upconversion of the mid-IR femtosecond pulses having large spectral bandwidths to the near-IR.
This paper reports on the phase-matching properties of GaS0.4Se0.6 for type-2 difference-frequency generation (DFG) between a Nd:YAG laser and a Nd:YAG laser-pumped β-BaB2O4 optical parametric oscillator (BBO/OPO) in the 100.4- 1030.6μm (0.291-2.988THz) range together with the refined Sellmeier equations for GaSxSe1-x (x=0, 0.29, 0.40, and 1.0) that provide a good reproduction of the present experimental results as well as second-harmonic generation (SHG) to sixth-harmonic generation (6HG) of a CO2 laser at 10.5910μm and a Ti:Al2O3 laser-pumped THz generation in the 1~1.8THz range.
By pumping a yellow phase, 1.4-cm-long, θ=9.2°(Φ=0°) cut BaGa4S7 crystal with a Nd:YAG laser-pumped KTP and AgGaS2 optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) and second-harmonic generation (SHG) of a frequency-doubled CO2 laser, we have achieved the 90°phase-matched type-1 SHG in the 0.8390-2.7750 μm range along the y(=a) and z(=b) axes by heating the crystal from 25ºC to 130ºC.
In addition, by mixing the signal outputs of a Nd:YAG laser-pumped KTP/OPO and its pump source, we have achieved the 90°phase-matched type-1 difference-frequency generation (DFG) in the 5.341-7.506μm range along the z axis at a crystal temperature of 25-185ºC. The Sellmeier and thermo-optic dispersion formulas that reproduce well these experimental results are presented.
By pumping the 8mm long HgGa2S4 crystal cut at θ = 67.5° and φ = 0° with the Nd:YAG laser in the double-pass SRO (singly resonant oscillator) scheme, we have generated 410mW output power (80mW at 4.180μm and 330mW at 1.428μm) at 30Hz. The pump to output conversion efficiency was 17%. In addition, by heating the HgGa2S4 crystal from 20° to 120° at normal pump incidence (θpm = 67.5°), we have generated the tunable outputs in the 1.413~1.428μm and 4.180~4.311μm range.
Hg0.35Cd0.65Ga2S4 and Hg0.52Cd0.48Ga2S4 have been found to be phase-matchable for type-1 second-harmonic generation (SHG) of the fundamental radiation at 2.907-5.453 μm and 2.423-6.725 μm, respectively. The Sellmeier equations for HgGa2S4 and CdGa2S4 that reproduce well these experimental results as well as the published data for the Cr:forsterite laser (1.25 μm)-pumped Hg0.35Cd0.65Ga2S4 optical parametric generator (OPG) and the Ti:Al2O3 laser (0.820 μm)-pumped Hg0.52Cd0.48Ga2S4 optical parametric amplifier (OPA) at 5.59-9.12 μm are presented.
This paper reports the 90° phase-matched fourth-harmonic generation of the CO2 laser wavelength at 10.5910 μm in BaGa4S7. The 1.4 cm long BaGa4S7 crystal used in the present experiment was cut at θ=9.2° in the xz(=bc) plane. The pump source was the second harmonic of the wave-guide CO2 laser (10.5910 μm) operating with an average output power of 18.3 W at 130 kHz. By focusing the 7.6 W, 5.2955 μm pulses (peak power is 6kW with 10 ns pulse duration) generated from the 2 cm long AgGa0.65In0.35Se2 crystal into the BaGa4S7 crystal (θPM=9.9°) with the 6 cm focal length ZnSe lens, the maximum average output power of 0.3 W was obtained at 2.6478 μm without any damage to the crystal. In addition, the new Sellmeier equations of BaGa4S7 are presented.
This paper reports the modified Sellmeier equations for ZnGeP2 (ZGP) that provide excellent reproduction of the
phase-matching conditions for DFG between the two CO2 laser wavelengths, and the Nd:YAG laser and the Nd:YAG
laser-pumped OPO in the THz region. Model calculations based on these Sellmeier equations strongly indicate that there
is no significant difference in the refractive indices of the non-annealed and annealed crystals from 1.0642μm to 1640μm
This paper reports the high-accuracy Sellmeier and thermo-optic dispersion formulas for β-BaB2O4 (β-BBO) that
provide the excellent reproduction of our data for second-harmonic generation (SHG) and sum-frequency generation
(SFG) down to 0.2048 and 0.1925μm as well as the optical parametric oscillator (OPO) tuning points up to 3.2μm, and
the temperature-dependent phase-matching angles for SHG and SFG that we have measured in the 0.193-0.6420μm
range as well as the recent data for SFG at 0.1934μm.
Several nonlinear crystals have been found to be simultaneously birefringent phase-matchable for two different
upconversions in the blue and red ranges by using a Nd:YAG laser at 1.0642 μm and a parametric oscillator pumped by
its second harmonic. The simultaneous phase-matching configurations and the corresponding tuning characteristics with
some currently available nonlinear materials are discussed in detail.
A frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser was used to pump the RbTiOAsO4(RTA)/AgGaSe2 (AGSE) cascade optical
parametric oscillator (OPO) to generate the 5.764 μm IR pulses, which correspond to the main absorption band of
cholesterol. A maximum average output power of 40 mW was regularly obtained at 30 Hz and a pump power of 2.5 W
with a long-term pulse-to-pulse fluctuation of ±10%.
Phase-matching properties for harmonic generation via second- and third-order nonlinearities have been investigated in
LiIO3 using the Nd:YAG laser and its harmonic pumped parametric oscillator. It was found that this crystal is 90° phase-matchable
for direct type-2 third-harmonic generation (THG) at 0.3568 μm at 20 °C. In addition, the temperature
acceptance bandwidths have been measured for second-order processes and were used for construction of the thermo-optic
dispersion formula. The Sellmeier equations that correctly reproduce almost all of the experimental data in the
whole transmission range are also presented.
90° phase-matched type-I second harmonic generation (SHG) of CO2 laser radiation at 10.591μm is demonstrated at 203°C in mixed chalcopyrite AgGa1-xInxS2 crystal with x = 0.14 ± 0.01. In addition, temperature-tuned difference frequency generation (DFG) at 4.02μm is obtained by mixing the idler output of a Nd:YAG third harmonic pumped β-BBO optical parametric oscillator and its fundamental source at 1.0642μm. The Sellmeier and thermo-optic dispersion formulas that reproduce well these experimental results are presented.
The 90° phase-matched direct type-1 and type-2 third-harmonic generation (THG) at 0.3263 and 0.3837 μm were
observed along x of the monoclinic BiB3O6 at room temperature by using the idler of the β-BaB2O4 parametric oscillator.
These interactions preclude the non-phase-matched, cascaded quadratic processes owing to the crystal symmetry along x.
The phase-matching properties for these pure cubic processes are presented together with the results on the direct THG
of the Nd:YAG laser at 1.0642 μm in three principal planes.
The linear and nonlinear optical properties of AgxGaxGe1-xS2 (AGGS) at x = 0.20, 0.25, and 0.50 and AgxGaxGe1-xSe2
(AGGSE) at x = 0.17 and 0.25 have been investigated for second-harmonic generation (SHG) of near IR lasers. The
polarization dependent transmission curves of these crystals showed larger energy band-gaps for polarization parallel to
c axis than that for a axis. The 90° phase-matched SHG wavelengths measured along b axis at room temperature were
found to be 0.515, 0.530, and 0.774 μm for the AGGS samples at x = 0.20, 0.25, and 0.50, and 0.638 and 0.676 μm for
the AGGSE samples at x = 0.17 and 0.25, respectively. In addition, the crystal to crystal and local variations of the
phase-matching conditions are presented together with their temperature stability.
This paper reports the experimental results on the phase-matching properties of AgGaGeS4 for second-harmonic
generation (SHG) at 0.8 &mgr;m that was achieved by using the KTP optical parametric oscillator and difference-frequency
generation (DFG) at 2 and 5-12 &mgr;m that were achieved by using the dual-wavelength emitting Ti:Sapphire laser and the
Nd:YAG laser. Two AgGaGeS4 samples showed locally different phase-matching conditions which were probably
caused by the various crystal compositions. The new Sellmeier equations were constructed using the literature value of
the refractive indices and compared with the experimental data. A satisfactory agreement between the model calculation
and the experiments is obtained.
We have demonstrated the 90° phase-matched type-I difference-frequency generation
(DFG) in AgGa1-xInxS2 with x = 0.14 by mixing the dual-wavelength pulses emitted from an
electronically tuned Ti:sapphire laser. Infrared radiation continuously tunable over the range of
4.8-6.98&mgr;m was generated by independently varying the two wavelengths in the spectral range of
705-932nm. In addition, 4.04&mgr;m radiation was generated by mixing a Nd:YAG laser with the
Ti:Sapphire laser in the same crystal. Sellmeier equations that reproduce well the
experimentally obtained data for these processes are presented.
Widely tunable parametric oscillation has been obtained in the temperature-tuned, z - cut, 90o
phase-matched BiB3O6 pumped by a Nd:YAG laser. Tuning range was 1.625~ 3.083&mgr;m at the crystal
temperature of 20o~190o C. These data were used to reconstruct the high-accuracy Sellmeier and
thermo-optic dispersion formulas in the 0.474~3.083&mgr;m range that give an excellent reproduction of the
phase-matching conditions thus far reported in the literature.
Sellmeier equations of the mixture crystal AgGa(S1-xSex)2 for various concentration (x=0.3, 0.55, 0.75) are presented along with thermo-optic dispersion formulas at x=0.55, these equations were used to predict the 90o phase-matching wavelength for Nd:YAG pumped OPO near 5.75μm for medical applications.
The improved Sellmeier's equations and thermo-optic dispersion formula that reproduce well our experimental results for harmonic generation of CO2 laser harmonics at 3.5303 - 5.2955 micrometers are presented. These formulas are believed to be highly useful for predicting the temperature-tuned 90 degree(s) phase-matched OPO in the mid-infrared.
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