Dr. George K. Knopf
Professor at Western Univ
SPIE Involvement:
Author | Instructor
Publications (70)

Proceedings Article | 28 February 2017 Presentation + Paper
Khaled Al-Aribe, George Knopf
Proceedings Volume 10061, 1006105 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2252148
KEYWORDS: Graphene, Crystals, Electrodes, Capacitance, Ions, Microfluidics, Zinc oxide, Ultraviolet radiation, Liquids, Dielectrics, Oxides, Glasses, UV optics, BioMEMS, Microsystems

Proceedings Article | 16 February 2017 Presentation + Paper
Dogan Sinar, George Knopf, Suwas Nikumb
Proceedings Volume 10101, 101010L (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2252248
KEYWORDS: Transmittance, Thin films, Silver, Graphene, Electrodes, Printing, Indium, Thin film coatings, Polymer thin films, Glasses, Transparency, Nanoparticles, Composites

Proceedings Article | 16 February 2017 Presentation + Paper
Proceedings Volume 10101, 101010Y (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2252602
KEYWORDS: Waveguides, Fiber optic illuminators, Lithography, Micromachining, Cladding, Refractive index, Light sources, Optical components, Buildings, Refraction, Polymers, Prototyping, Transmittance, Light emitting diodes, Molybdenum, Light sources and illumination

Proceedings Article | 14 March 2016 Paper
Chloë Nicholson-Smith, George Knopf, Evgueni Bordatchev
Proceedings Volume 9759, 97590C (2016) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2208788
KEYWORDS: Waveguides, Diffusers, Solar concentrators, Polymers, Zemax, Polymer multimode waveguides, Solar cells, Windows, Microlens, Prisms, Wave propagation, Light sources, Geometrical optics, Refractive index

Proceedings Article | 14 March 2016 Paper
Proceedings Volume 9759, 97590U (2016) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2208789
KEYWORDS: Waveguides, Polymethylmethacrylate, Lithography, Cladding, Refractive index, Nano optics, Micromachining, Fabrication, Solar concentrators, Fiber optic illuminators, Diffusers, Prototyping, Optical fabrication, Polymers, Refraction

Showing 5 of 70 publications
Proceedings Volume Editor (7)

SPIE Conference Volume | 25 October 2004

SPIE Conference Volume | 25 October 2004

SPIE Conference Volume | 4 March 2004

SPIE Conference Volume | 30 September 2003

SPIE Conference Volume | 12 February 2001

Showing 5 of 7 publications
Conference Committee Involvement (13)
Optomechatronic Actuators and Manipulation IV
17 November 2008 | San Diego, California, United States
Optomechatronic Sensors and Instrumentation II
3 October 2006 | Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Optomechatronic Sensors and Instrumentation
5 December 2005 | Sapporo, Japan
Optomechatronic Technologies 2005
5 December 2005 | Sapporo, Japan
Machine Vision and its Optomechatronic Applications
26 October 2004 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Showing 5 of 13 Conference Committees
Course Instructor
SC255: Opto-Mechatronic Systems: Techniques and Applications
Optical and photonic devices are being incorporated into a variety of “smart” engineered products and processes because these lightwave technologies provide components for high precision, rapid data processing, flexible circuits, and circuit miniaturization. Optomechatronics focuses on the tools and technologies needed to create intelligent systems from optical and optoelectronic sensors and actuators, flexible fiber optic and lightwave communication, smart machine vision systems, reconfigurable structures, and embedded control. Course participants will develop skills and knowledge necessary to adopt an interdisciplinary and integrated approach to optomechatronic design. We will provide attendees with an overview of the basic concepts necessary to effectively combine optical, electrical, control, and mechanical technologies and will review the fundamentals of lightwave technology and optical systems. Emphasis will be placed on design methods for integrating optical sensing, actuation, and control. We will review several practical case-studies involving optomechatronic products and processes. System performance will be analyzed and benefits/limitations will be discussed.
SC669: Optical Actuation and Control
This course provides an introduction to optical actuator technologies that enable light to be transformed into mechanical displacements or forces. The optically driven actuators can be interfaced with optical fibres and integrated optics to create “control-by-light” systems. Both indirect and direct methods of optical actuation will be examined. Throughout the course the emphasis will be placed on fundamental principles and system design. The design opportunities for utilizing optical actuation and control are illustrated by several innovative systems for optical micro-flow control, micro-pumping, micromanipulation, and lightwave propulsion.
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