An innovative polarization-holographic imaging Stokes spectropolarimeter is presented. The main analyzing unit of such a polarimeter is the integral polarization-holographic diffraction element, which enables the complete analysis of the polarization state of incoming light to be carried out in real-time. It decomposes the incoming light into diffraction orders, the intensities of which vary depending on the polarization state of the light source. After the simultaneous diffraction order intensity measurements of the corresponding points or areas in the diffraction orders, we get the real-time Stokes images of the light source, which allows determining the entire polarization state of a point or extended space object for different spectral regions and variable polarization. A working aperture can be from 0.5 cm up to 5 cm in diameter. The results of studies on improving the stability and diffraction efficiency of the element are presented. Measurements of the polarization state by the standard star were carried out to calibrate the spectropolarimeter. Polarimetric measurements of some astronomical objects have been carried out. The resulting errors are better than 10-2. The polarization-holographic imaging Stokes spectropolarimeter has no mechanically moving or electrically tunable optical elements, has no internal reflections, and is universal, compact, cost-effective, and lightweight.
Polarization-sensitive media based on polymers and functional chromophores have deservedly occupied their niche among photonic materials that are increasingly contributing to the possibilities of richer light sensing, in the field of optical communications, information transfer, its storage, display, etc. within a wide range of applications. The media considered here are represented by multiple highly polar compositions based on functional azo dyes doped in a compatible biopolymer as a matrix. This paper presents our specific studies on the influence of molecular-structural factors on the photoanisotropic properties of polarization-sensitive compositions. The illustrative examples show evidence of the finding of one of the factors that work out the light sensitivity of the materials for multiple times. This factor was the molecular aggregation of the chromophoric component. Quite accurate comparisons are shown of the improvement in photoresponsibility of various compositions with the mutual combination of their chromophoric molecules, in particular as a result of their component dimerization. In the overwhelming majority of azochromophoric dimers demonstrate greater sensitivity to actinic polarized light rather than their predecessor versions. The paper also demonstrates an example of going beyond the framework of dimerization towards the further development of the aggregation of molecules with the formation of azopolymers. The latter turned out to be promising in the case of the correct implementation of increasing integration of the components of the studied materials.
The phenomenon of vector polyphotochromism was found earlier in some high-efficient polarization-sensitive materials depending on the radiant exposure of the inducing linearly polarized actinic light. This effect was observed at high radiant exposures. In this paper the vector polyphotochromic effect is considered when azimuthally dependent exposure is used. The principal difference in these two approaches is that, in exposure-dependent technique, the transmission spectrum of the material depends on the magnitude of the inducing light exposure and this dependence is non-linear. Therefore, certain tunable spectral profiles of the material are very difficult to be fixed, in particular, in the blue spectral region. In the use of the azimuthally dependent technique, the changes in the transmission spectrum are occurred depending on the polarization azimuth of the inducing light. It is shown that the advantage of this approach is the possibility of inducing this effect at much lower exposures of the exciting radiation and obtaining approximately linear dependence of the spectral characteristics of the material on illumination conditions. It should be noted the material used exhibits photochromic behavior of an unusual nature, which is based not on a slight change in the spectral characteristics of the pigment under the light action, but there are changes in the so-called interference color of the medium as a result of selective quenching the corresponding regions of the transmission spectrum of the given material. The polarizationsensitive materials based on biopolymer matrix and organic azo dyes have been used. The obtained results can be used for creating spectral-selective polarization element with high-speed.
We present an innovative imaging Stokes polarimeter. The main unit of the polarimeter is an integral polarization-holographic diffraction element, which enables the instant complete analysis of the polarization state of light in real time. An element is recorded by a special holographic schema using circularly and linearly polarized beams. As a result, it decomposes an incoming light into orthogonal circular and linear diffraction orders. We then capture diffraction orders using a CCD and transform the measured intensities into the Stokes images through the calibration parameters. The Stokes images are used to determine polarization state of a point or an extended space object in different spectral ranges. The operating spectral range of the polarimeter is 500 to 1600 nm with diffraction efficiency equal to 50% at 532 nm, 30% at 635 nm, and 5% at 1550 nm. The theoretical model of relations between measured intensities in different diffraction orders and Stokes parameters was used to calibrate the polarimeter. The calibration observations of day time sky show that the resulting errors are near of 10 − 3 order.
A new method of pattern recognition is presented which is based on obtaining photoanisotropic copies on the dynamic polarization sensitive material. The amplitude image of the object is illuminated by a linearly polarized light with a wavelength actinic for this material. In result a photoanisotropic copy of this image is induced on the polarizationsensitive material. In recognition process, a photoanisotropic copy is illuminated by circularly polarized light of a nonactinic wavelength. The distribution of elliptical polarization occurs behind a photoanisotropic copy and reduces to a summary ellipse in the Fraunhofer diffraction region. The parameters of this ellipse are related to the characteristics of the original object and uniquely identify the initial object. The polarization-holographic diffraction element developed by us enables to determine summary ellipse parameters - to obtain all the Stokes parameters in real time and to compare obtained results with recognizable object etalon in database. The method invariance to position, scale and rotation of pattern are investigated. The resolution and sensitivity of this method were also determined. The dynamic polarizationsensitive materials are reversible, with practically unlimited number of recording-deleting cycles. To obtain a photoanisotropic copy of another object on the same material, the previous copy should be deleted with a pulse of circularly polarized actinic light, then a next copy can be recorded. A laboratory model of the recognition device, appropriate software and a theoretical model were created. Database have been obtained by using images of various objects.
This paper presents the experiments on photoanisotropic organic media films based on the composition of the azodye and polymer containing different polyelectrolytes. As a part of an experiment to strengthen the cohesion of the matrix macromolecules, we individually added to the test compositions polyelectrolytes with variations of quantity and with the different nature. The kinetic curves of the inducing photoanisotropy in the polarization-sensitive films are shown. The addition of the electrolyte to this type of materials contributes to an early manifestation of vector polyphotochromic effect at low exposures, which in turn is a sign of improved photoanisotropic properties as this effect appears exclusively in high-performance polarization-sensitive materials.
An innovative real-time imaging Stokes spectropolarimeter is presented. The main unit of the polarimeter is an integral polarization-holographic diffraction element, which enables the complete analysis of the polarization state of light to be carried out in real time. An element is recorded by a special holographic schema using circularly and linearly polarized beams. As a result it decomposes an incoming light into orthogonal circular and linear diffraction orders. Upon simultaneous CCD intensity measurements of the corresponding points or areas in the diffraction orders and further data reduction through the calibration parameters we get real-time Stokes images of a light source. The further reduction of Stokes images allows to determine detailed polarization state of a light coming from a point or extended space object in a narrow or a wide spectral range. The operating spectral range of the polarimeter is 500-1600 nm with diffraction efficiency equal to 20% at 532 nm, 16% at 635 nm and 2% at 1550 nm. The laboratory calibration tests were obtained with a quasi-monochromatic point size depolarized light source which further were circularly or linearly polarized with known polarization parameters and a degree of polarization near to 100%. The theoretical model of relations between measured intensities in different diffraction orders and Stokes parameters, earlier developed by the authors (Kilosanidze B., Kakauridze G. SPIE Proceedings, vol. 8082-126, 2011), were used to calibrate the polarimeter. The laboratory tests show that the resulting errors for single measure are near of 10-2 or less.
The well-known scalar photochromism phenomenon is a reversible phototransformation of chemical species between two forms having different absorption spectra. It is observed under the action of actinic light regardless of its polarization state. Unlike this in some high-efficient polarization-sensitive azopolymeric materials, we have observed a welldeveloped vector polyphotochromism which appears as a light-induced area with spectral selectivity for the linearly polarized probing beams. A sharp change in the transmission spectrum of the material have been observed when we placed an irradiated area of the sample between crossed polarizers, while the transmission spectrum of the sample remained practically unchanged in case of probing by unpolarized light. The effect has a purely vector nature, while the transmission spectrum of the exposed material essentially changes in case of observing between crossed polarizers and the change in the spectrum unambiguously depends on the energy exposure. A significant dependence of the kinetic of the vector polyphotochromism induction on the power density of linearly polarized actinic light (445 nm) is shown for probing beam of 635 nm. It is also shown that the kinetics of the effect depends on the photosensitive layer thickness and the concentration of the chromophore. The experiments were carried out for two synthesized side-chain azopolymers obtained as immobilized polar azo dyes on polymethylmethacrylate backbone. It is clearly shown a light-controlled spectral selectivity of the sample activated by the various doses of the stimulating radiation.
An innovative real-time polarimetric method is presented based on the integral polarization-holographic diffraction element developed by us. This element is suggested to be used for real time analysis of the polarization state of light, to help highlight military equipment in a scene. In the process of diffraction, the element decomposes light incoming on them onto orthogonal circular and linear basis. The simultaneous measurement of the intensities of four diffracted beams by means of photodetectors and the appropriate software enable the polarization state of an analyzable light (all the four Stokes parameters) and its change to be obtained in real time. The element with photodetectors and software is a sensor of the polarization state. Such a sensor allows the point-by-point distribution of the polarization state in the images of objects to be determined. The spectral working range of such an element is 530 – 1600 nm. This sensor is compact, lightweight and relatively cheap, and it can be easily installed on any space and airborne platforms. It has no mechanically moving or electronically controlled elements. The speed of its operation is limited only by computer processing. Such a sensor is proposed to be use for the determination of the characteristics of the surface of objects at optical remote sensing by means of the determination of the distribution of the polarization state of light in the image of recognizable object and the dispersion of this distribution, which provides additional information while identifying an object. The possibility of detection of a useful signal of the predetermined polarization on a background of statistically random noise of an underlying surface is also possible. The application of the sensor is also considered for the nondestructive determination of the distribution of stressed state in different constructions based on the determination of the distribution of the polarization state of light reflected from the object under investigation. The prospect of this sensor application in astropolarymetry both for land and space telescopes is also discussed.
The phenomenon of vector polyphotochromism within a wide spectral range is revealed in organic polarization-sensitive materials when material is illuminated with linearly polarized actinic light. The effect has a purely vector nature, while the transmission spectrum of the exposed material essentially changes in case of observing between crossed polarizers and the change in the spectrum unambiguously depends on the energy exposure. A significant dependence of the kinetic of the vector polyphotochromism induction on the power density of linearly polarized actinic light (445 nm) is shown for probing beam of 635 nm. It is also shown that the kinetics of the effect depends on the degree of integration of the component molecules of the material by the cohesion of both ways the electrostatic forces (by use mineral electrolytes and polyelectrolytes) and the covalent bonds (azopolymers based on different chromophores), as well as on the photosensitive layer thickness and the concentration of the chromophore. The mechanism of the phenomenon is discussed. Considering the fact that the change in the spectral characteristics occurs throughout the full visible range, this effect may be used for creating the spectrally selective dynamic polarization holographic gratings, displays based on new physical principles, and also for creating modulators and dynamic polarization spectral filters controlled by light.
A new real-time nondestructive polarimetric method is suggested for the determination of the stressed state distribution
in different objects. Light reflected from the object is polarized in a varying degree, and the distribution of the
polarization state in the object image is related to the distribution of stresses in it. Method is based on the obtaining the
distribution pattern of the polarization state of light in the object image, which is formed by an objective. The integral
polarization-holographic diffraction element developed by us is used for real time complete analysis of the polarization
state of light at each point of the image, formed by the element in the diffraction orders. The simultaneous measurement
of the intensities in four diffracted beams by means of a matrix of photodetectors and the appropriate software enable the
polarization state of an analyzable light and its change to be obtained in real time. The laboratory model is presented.
The correlation relations between the polarization state of light reflected from the sample with the distribution of the
dosated mechanical stresses is considered. The theoretical model is presented. The experimental results are shown for
different samples with one- and two-axis stress distribution. The method is nondestructive, i.e. there is no need to drill
holes or openings or sticking transparent photoelastic plates on the object to determine the stresses. This method will
enable the distance monitoring and diagnosis of already existing constructions to be carried out. This method will differ
by universality, simplicity, high speed and comparative cheapness.
Phenomenon of vector polyphotochromism was observed in some high-efficient polarization-sensitive materials dependent on the radiant exposure when material was illuminated with linearly polarized actinic light. The phenomenon has purely vector nature, since under probing by unpolarized light, the transmission spectra of the irradiated and unirradiated area of the material are practically identical. However, an essential change in the transmission spectrum of the material was observed by placing the irradiated area between crossed polarizers when the orientation of the axis of induced anisotropy was of 45 degrees relative to the axes of the polarizers. The dispersion of photoanisotropy was studied at different exposure values. Kinetic curves of the photoanisotropy were obtained for wavelength of 532 nm and 635 nm of probing beam for different values of exposure (30, 60 and 250 J/cm2) with linearly polarized actinic light (457 nm). The dispersion curves of the photoanisotropy were obtained for these values of exposure showing an anomalous behavior for exposures above of 30 J/cm2. This phenomenon was observed in specially synthesized organic materials based on azo dyes introduced in a polymer matrix. The difference between optical densities was obtained for polarized light with a wavelength of 532 nm and 635 nm at different exposures, which makes the prospect the dynamic polarization spectral filters controlled by light and the spectrally selective dynamic polarization holographic gratings to be created.
New stable polarization-sensitive materials are developed on the hydrophobic components basis which doesn't require an
additional moisture protection. Bisazodye ortho-tolidinebisazophenol chromophoric component was synthesized which is
liposoluble analogue of water-soluble azodye Mordant Pure Yellow M. This bisazodye were used to develop the
hydrophobic materials films which can be applied as a protective layer themselves. To increase the thermal stability we
have synthesized material by introducing bisazodye into the main-chain of macromolecule of thermally stable polymer.
The different types of polarization-holographic gratings with high diffraction efficiency of 30-50% were recorded on the
obtained materials by laser beams (441 - 488 nm).
Polarization holographic element with complex distribution of anisotropy and gyrotropy is suggested for
astropolarimetry by means of real time analysis of the state and degree of polarization (also the dispersion of this state)
of light that went into the entrance pupil of the telescope. The element decomposes the light incident on it into the
orthogonal circular and linear bases. Simultaneous measurement of the intensities of diffracted beams allows all four
Stokes parameters to be determined and the dispersion of this state. The possibility of the creation of suitable
higheffective and extremely compact element and its application for detection and characterization of exsoplanets is
The Polarization-Holographic Imaging Stokes Spectro-Polarimeter developed by us is proposed to use for the
determination of the characteristics of the surface of objects at optical remote sensing. Only one integral polarization-holographic
element is used in such a spectropolarimeter as an analyzing detail, which makes real time complete analysis
of the polarization state of light (determination of all the four Stokes parameters) possible, as well as the determination of
the distribution of the polarization state of light in the image of recognizable object and the dispersion of this
distribution, which provides additional information while identifying an object. A theoretical model showing the
connection of the Stokes parameters of light reflected from a recognizable object with the characteristics of the material
of the reflecting surface of the object has been developed that allows the appropriate correlation connections to be set.
Experimentally the possibility of obtaining the distribution of the values of the Stokes parameters is shown for the
samples from different materials and of a different geometric form.
The new method of imaging Stokes spectropolarimetry in real time on the basis of polarization-holographic element is
offered. Polarization-holographic element with complicated profile of anisotropy for the real-time complete analysis of
polarization state of light (all Stokes parameters) is developed. During diffraction the element decomposes light
incoming on them onto orthogonal circular and linear basis. The simultaneous measurement of the intensities in all
points of images in diffracted orders by means of CCD matrices and appropriate software allows to determine the spatial
distribution of a polarization state in the images of extended objects, and also the dispertion if this distribution.
The phenomenon of energy transfer is considered by means of dynamic polarization holograms. The use of higheffective
reversible polarization-sensitive media makes it possible to use beams with low intensities from CW lasers. For
amplification of energy transfer, the additional mechanical shift of the medium was used such that the phase shift would
be of optimal value π/2. The increase of the intensity of a weak beam up to 300% within the time of tens of milliseconds
was obtained. This approach gives the possible to amplify coherent light beams by relatively simple way including the
amplification of beams in communication systems.
In order to obtain a polarization sensitive materials with improved characteristics, there was conducted intensify
interaction between the components of recording media through the interaction between the molecular electrostatic
forces. For creating materials there were used various organic dyes capable of photochemical geometric isomerization
under the influence of actinic polarized light with a wavelength closed to the maximum of the absorption spectrum of
each dye. Various polarization sensitive materials have been synthesized based on the polar water-soluble components.
Substantial improvement photoanisotropic characteristics of these materials are revealed due to previously added
ionizing functional groups in the chromophoric components. It is shown particular exemplary embodiment of synthesis
the materials composed of dyes which communicate with certain polymers via dipole-ionic bonds. The research data of
medium properties on their base have been brought up for the consideration. In the same way photoanisotropic materials
are created on basis of various polar polymer matrixes which separate macromolecules are capable of establishing
dipole-dipole bonds with each other. Thanks to this circumstance a supplementary number of polymer fragments which
cannot afford direct connection with dye molecules are also able to get drawing into the photoanisotropy inducting
processes. It is displayed the influence of such interactions on material kinetics and value of attainable photoanisotropy.
A capability of achievement extremely high values of photoanisotropy is produced on the material samples based on the
dyes with expanded number of ionized substituent.
The results of investigations of kinetics of photoanisotropy induction and relaxation in polarization-sensitive media with
conformation-orientation mechanism of the anisotropy induction having significant dark relaxation are presented. It is
shown that such materials can be applied for tasks of dynamic polarization holography. With the purpose of
improvement dynamic characteristics of polarization-sensitive materials azodye Nitrodimethyl red (NDMR) is specially
synthesized. Materials on the basis of NDMR are used for recording dynamic polarization-holographic gratings with
different profile of anisotropy. The results of the investigation of kinetics of diffraction efficiency (DE) of these gratings
and the analysis of polarization state of diffracted orders are given. It is shown that time of a cycle of recording/erasing
for gratings of some types is of the order of 100 ms at DE = 21 %. The theoretical model of dynamic polarizationholographic
recording on such materials is presented. Possible applications of the methods of dynamic polarization
holography are discussed.
Polarization-holographic element on the basis of diffraction gratings with different profile of anisotropy for complete
analysis of light, namely definition of all Stokes parameters of polarization ellipse is described. The polarizationholographic
elements have many advantages compared to conventional devices of polarization optics: they make it
possible to carry out the polarization analysis and transformation of light in real time; they operate in a wide spectral
range without any need of modulation. A single element of the kind is as effective as the whole set of conventional
analogues in polarization optics. We investigated the
polarization-holographic gratings recorded by linearly polarized
beams, and analyzed polarization of diffracted beams. For the recording, we used polarization-sensitive materials based
on azodyes introduced in polymer matrices, developed by us. A complete analysis of the light, including the degree of
polarization became also feasible with the help of
polarization-holographic element based on the different type of
polarization-holographic gratings.
The polarization-holographic system of protection has been developed. The suggested approach is based on new physical
principles, namely on the using of polarization state of light that allows the level of protection of important documents,
securities, industrial goods, etc. against counterfeiting to be increased. The system includes polarization-holographic
protection elements and a device for the definition of authenticity of these elements. The elements are made on specially
synthesized polarization-sensitive materials with certain properties which additionally raise the level of protection. The
definition of authenticity is made by means of the analysis of the polarization state of light diffracted on the protective
element. The essential advantage of this system is that the copying of the polarization-holographic protective element by
optical methods is impossible in principle which complicates their counterfeiting.
The method of object recognition is described by the example of objects of amplitude transparent type. The method is to obtain a photoanisotropic copy of object images on the polarization-sensitive material. At consequent illumination of the photoanisotropic copy with a parallel circularly polarized beam of nonactinic light, the transmitted light becomes elliptically polarized. It is shown that the characteristics of the summary polarization ellipse in the Fraunhofer diffraction region uniquely identify the given object. The real time determination of the characteristics of the summary polarization ellipse is made by means of diffraction gratings of anisotropic profile and by comparison of these characteristics with etalon from database.
With the purpose to increase a level of protection of the important documents, securities, industrial goods, etc. from
counterfeiting the polarization-holographic system of protection is developed. The suggested approach is based on new
physical principles and allows a level of protection against counterfeiting to be increased. The technology of obtaining
protective elements and also a device for the definition of authenticity of these elements has been developed. The
suggested system of protection uses specially synthesized polarization-sensitive materials and polarization-holographic
elements with special properties. The definition of authenticity is made by means of the analysis of the polarization state
of light diffracted on the protective element. The essential advantage of this system is that the copying of polarization-holographic protective element by optical methods is impossible in principle which complicates their counterfeiting.
The results of experimental investigations of photoanisotropy in polarization-sensitive media with dark relaxation on the basis of azodye Dimethyl Yellow is presented. The model consideration of photoanisotropy in polarization-sensitive media with dark relaxation is presented. The media with conformation-orientation mechanism of the anisotropy induction is considered. The value of “effective anisotropy” is used for the anisotropy description that allows measurements of photoanisotropy to be made in real-time. The value of photoanisotropy and dark relaxation time dependence on the acting radiation intensity and relaxation coefficient is shown. The time of the order of tens of milliseconds for the achievement of the maximum meaning of anisotropy and the dark relaxation time are obtained.
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