Dr. Babak Shadgan is an SPIE Fellow member. He is a medical doctor specialized in Sports Medicine and Clinical Biophotonics. Dr. Shadgan is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Orthopaedics, the University of British Columbia with an Associate Faculty appointment at the UBC School of Biomedical Engineering. He received his MD degree in 1994, an MSc in sports medicine from the University of London in 2001 and a Ph.D. in clinical biophotonics from the University of British Columbia (UBC) in 2011. He also completed a fellowship on NIRS-Diffused Optical Tomography at Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging of MIT/Harvard University. His postdoctoral fellowship at ICORD (the International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries) was focused on remote optical monitoring of bladder dysfunction in people with spinal cord injury. With more than two decades of medical practice and research Babak has developed a specific knowledge in clinical biophotonics with a unique bedside-to-bench approach. His current research focuses on advancing novel implantable and wearable methods for real-time monitoring of internal organ and tissue hemodynamics, metabolism, and function in health and diseases. As an Olympic sports physician and medical director, Babak is actively working on sports and exercise applications of Biophotonics. He is currently involved in developing optical diagnostics and monitoring interventions in Sports Medicine and Exercise Sciences. Dr. Shadgan chairs "Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables" BIOS Conference and teaches “Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology in Biomedical Engineering” at SPIE.
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Optical monitoring of transplanted free flaps using an implantable near-infrared spectroscopy sensor
Methods: Six anesthetized Yorkshire pigs were studied using a custom-made multi-wavelength NIRS system with a miniaturized optical sensor applied directly on the surgically exposed SC at T9. The oxidation states of SC tissue hemoglobin and CCO were monitored before, during and after acute SCI, and during mean arterial pressure alterations.
Results: Non-invasive NIRS monitoring reflected changes in SC tissue CCO, simultaneous but independent of changes in hemoglobin saturation following acute SCI. A consistent decrease in SC tissue CCO chromophore concentration (-1.98 ± 2.1 ab, p<0.05) was observed following SCI, indicating progressive SC cellular damage at the injury site. Elevation of mean arterial pressure can reduce SC tissue damage as suggested by different researchers and observed by significant increase in SC tissue CCO concentration (1.51 ± 1.7 ab, p<0.05) in this study.
Conclusions: This pilot study indicates that a novel miniaturized multi-wave NIRS sensor has the potential to monitor post-SCI changes of SC cytochrome aa3 oxygenation state in real time. Further development of this method may offer new options for improved SCI care.
Methods: Two healthy subjects, one with pigmented skin and one with fair skin, were monitored as they voided spontaneously using the prototype transcutaneous NIRS device positioned over the bladder. The device was a self-contained wireless unit with light emitting diodes (wavelengths 760 and 850 nanometres) and interoptode distance of 4cm. The raw optical data were transmitted to a laptop where graphs of chromophore change were generated with proprietary software and compared between the subjects and with prior data from asymptomatic subjects.
Results: Serial monitoring was successful in both subjects. Voiding volumes varied between 350 and 380 cc. In each subject the patterns of chromophore change, trend and magnitude of change were similar and matched the physiologic increase in total and oxygenated hemoglobin recognized to occur in normal bladder contraction during voiding.
Conclusions: Skin pigmentation does not compromise the ability of transcutaneous NIRS to interrogate physiologic change in the bladder during bladder contraction in healthy subjects.
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Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables III
This course is a critical and fundamental introduction to main pathophysiologic processes across the human body, emphasizing on optics and photonics engineering approaches for innovative design and development of novel methods and devices to screen, detect, diagnose and monitor clinical conditions.
The majority of human diseases are rooted in one of the few main pathological processes such as inflammation, infection, atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, ischemia and hypoxia. Understanding the basics, natures, mechanisms, specifications and effects of these main pathologic processes on human body structure and function helps biophotonics engineers and researchers to better comprehend contemporary methods of detection and management of these conditions. This knowledge enables them to theorize, innovate and design new optical techniques and devices for diagnosis and monitoring of pathologic conditions in different organ systems. Such an approach will also enable engineers to extrapolate standard diagnostic techniques from one to other organs for various disorders that are similar in pathology. This should be considered as a critical and necessary skill in modern biomedical engineering. This course aims to provide this essential intuition.
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