Youngseok Lee, Sangmyeong Han, Sunbo Kim, Sk Md Iftiquar, Youn-Jung Lee, Jinsu Yoo, Vinh Ai Dao, Junsin Yi
Journal of Photonics for Energy, Vol. 4, Issue 01, 043094, (May 2014)
TOPICS: Solar cells, Silver, Electrodes, Resistance, Temperature metrology, Silicon, Crystals, Semiconducting wafers, Metals, Printing
Low temperature curing of Ag paste for electrode formation in silicon hetero junction (SHJ) solar cells is important for providing better device characteristics. Ag paste is composed of solvent, various organic materials, and additives; hence its electrical and mechanical adhesion properties depend on the curing conditions. The adhesion of the Ag paste was determined by scratch test, whereas the specific contact resistance was measured using the transfer length method. Various Ag electrodes were formed at various curing temperatures within the temperature range of 160°C–240°C, at 20°C intervals. The curing time was also varied for another set of Ag electrodes. With 200°C temperature and for 20-min curing, the critical load of 20.06 N and specific contact resistance of 19.61 mΩ⋅cm 2 were observed. Using the same conditions, the efficiency of the SHJ solar cell was found to be improved by 3.8%.