2 March 2010 A blue-LED-based device for selective photocoagulation of superficial abrasions: theoretical modeling and in vivo validation
Francesca Rossi, Roberto Pini, Gaetano De Siena, Daniela Massi, Francesco S. Pavone, Domenico Alfieri, Giovanni Cannarozzo
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Proceedings Volume 7548, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics VI; 754807 (2010)
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2010, San Francisco, California, United States
The blue light (~400 nm) emitted by high power Light Emitting Diodes (LED) is selectively absorbed by the haemoglobin content of blood and then converted into heat. This is the basic concept in setting up a compact, low-cost, and easy-to-handle photohaemostasis device for the treatment of superficial skin abrasions. Its main application is in reducing bleeding from superficial capillary vessels during laser induced aesthetic treatments, such as skin resurfacing, thus reducing the treatment time and improving aesthetic results (reduction of scar formation). In this work we firstly present the preliminary modeling study: a Finite Element Model (FEM) of the LED induced photothermal process was set up, in order to estimate the optimal wavelength and treatment time, by studying the temperature dynamics in the tissue. Then, a compact, handheld illumination device has been designed: commercially available high power LEDs emitting in the blue region were mounted in a suitable and ergonomic case. The prototype was tested in the treatment of dorsal excoriations in rats. Thermal effects were monitored by an infrared thermocamera, experimentally evidencing the modest and confined heating effects and confirming the modeling predictions. Objective observations and histopathological analysis performed in a follow-up study showed no adverse reactions and no thermal damage in the treated areas and surrounding tissues. The device was then used in human patients, in order to stop bleeding during Erbium laser skin resurfacing procedure. By inducing LED-based photocoagulation, the overall treatment time was shortened and scar formation was reduced, thus enhancing esthetic effect of the laser procedure.
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Francesca Rossi, Roberto Pini, Gaetano De Siena, Daniela Massi, Francesco S. Pavone, Domenico Alfieri, and Giovanni Cannarozzo "A blue-LED-based device for selective photocoagulation of superficial abrasions: theoretical modeling and in vivo validation", Proc. SPIE 7548, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics VI, 754807 (2 March 2010); Logo
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Light emitting diodes


Laser coagulation

Tissue optics

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