27 April 2005 Novel method to improve the performance of Nd:YAG high-power low-divergence lasers using a passive compensation of the spherical aberration inside the resonator
A. Montmerle Bonnefois, M. Gilbert, P.-Y. Thro, J.-M. Weulersse
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It is very difficult to achieve both high-power and low divergence lasing at once in cw or high-repetition rate lasers because thermal effects limit their efficiency. But as these effects are stable over time, a passive correction is conceivable. In this paper we propose a very simple but effective method to compensate the thermal effects in such lasers, using an aspherical phase-plate inside the resonator. The first results are very promising, as we demonstrated a very stable 418 W, M2=5.7 laser for only 2280 W of total optical pumping power (i.e 2050 W of absorbed pump power).
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. Montmerle Bonnefois, M. Gilbert, P.-Y. Thro, and J.-M. Weulersse "Novel method to improve the performance of Nd:YAG high-power low-divergence lasers using a passive compensation of the spherical aberration inside the resonator", Proc. SPIE 5707, Solid State Lasers XIV: Technology and Devices, (27 April 2005); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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Monochromatic aberrations


High power lasers

Thermal effects

Laser resonators

Nd:YAG lasers

Beam shaping

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