Proceedings Article | 3 November 2008
Jun Zhao, Wei Wei, Cui-qin Feng, Xu-feng Wang, Jia-jia Zheng
KEYWORDS: Safety, Remote sensing, Geographic information systems, Ecology, Image fusion, Analytical research, Lithium, Computer programming, Biology, Quantitative analysis
Using RS, GIS, landscape ecological technology to analyze landscape patterns based on alpine grassland region as the
study area and TM/ETM+ image in 2002 as the study data in this article. Landscape patterns in the study area have been
analyzed from such point of view as the landscape's patch characters, shapes, and spatial distributions through the
indexes of diversity, predominance, fragmentation, evenness, and etc. The analysis on the ecological landscape patterns
of land using indicates that the grassland occupies 45.45% and the woodland occupies 31.53% of the whole area. They
are the main landscape types, which occupy 76.98% of the total study area and grassland is the matrix of the whole
landscape according to ecological definitions. The distribution of landscape types has evident altitudinal tonality, and the
distribution order is approximately as follows: town-residential area-farmland-grassland-woodland-unused land from
valley to mountain top for the big vertical space of the height above the sea level. Take species protection as target
communities, and depend on the surface pervasion consuming and the minimum clog model, we have designed much
secure approaches of landscape patterns. Through analyzing we know the area of the chiasms buffer of class one in the
grassland and the woodland is2422.15hm2 and the perimeter is 19882.02km. The area of the buffer of class two is
879.79hm2 and its perimeter is 10552.96km. Some fields and segments based on the minimum clog model need to pay
much attention to: 1. The batch around cost isoclines layers in the central of grassland. 2. The Grassland-Woodland
Ecotone should be mainly protected, and the textures among the small batches must be marked out in order to reduce the
obstruction which species across the boundary. 3. It must prevent the interferences caused by human being activities in
the ecotone, and improve the using efficiency of physical flows and circulation efficiency of nutritional elements. 4. The
isolated habitat batches and big landscapes must be joined together to keep species continuance and bio-diversity
increasing. Through advanced study, the number of landscape of the study area is simplex and integrated. The residentindustrial
land and plantation landscape are separated and fragmentized. The matrix of grassland is preponderant. These
results show that the study area has been disturbed by human being activities at present, but still in the safe range. We
compared the study results with the field survey results, and found out that in the total of nineteen villages and towns,
there are nine villages and towns in the range of safety area. The area is 358600 hm2, which occupies 50.16% of the total
study area. About five villages and towns are in the range of critical safety area. The area is 187500 hm2, which occupies
26.23%. Other villages and towns are in the range of insecure area. The area is 168800 hm2, which occupies 23.61%.
The results also indicate that the study area is safe as a whole, but the incertitude and insecurity areas have occupied 1/4
of the total. The ecological safety problem is extremely urgent and must be paid attention to and dealed with at once. The
critical secure villages and towns are the easiest areas where can turn to insecurity from less safety. In addition, these
critical secure villages and towns have larger areas than other types. So they must be prearranged and protected as a
pivot. As the financial increasing in the alpine grassland area, its livestock and population have increased a lot in recent
years. The pressure on the ecology and the environment will become more serious. So the inconsistency of the alpine
grassland resources between their using and protection should be solved in time. How to accelerate the alpine grassland
areas' sustainable using is the most important problem we have to resolve. In the process of analyzing, using pattern
optimizing method, we have analyzed their relationships, whole landscape spatial structures and optimizing schemes.
These innovations not only can provide decision-making support for the environment protection and cure, the biology
diversity protection and the grassland sustainable using, but also can provide references on landuse optimizing and
degenerate environment renewing for other similar areas. The method provides a good ecological route on the level's
relevancy, and it's also a good supplement to the conventional landscape programming based on feasible evaluation.
Under the guidance of the landscape ecology principles and methods, combining landscape using and landscape
optimizing, a series of problems could be solved. Using RS and GIS technology, we can understand the main landscape
about the grassland and the woodland through quantitative analysis in spatial patterns. This technology can reveal
idiographic landscape structures and related problems of the study area. In a word, these methods are very valuable and
convenient to analyze ecological landscape problems. However, the analysis data is not very ideal. For example, RS
images scan cycle is long and its spatial resolution is poor. So it is difficult to get better images of grassland in the
growing season under the interferential condition. The data is too complex to analyze one by one. Some results have
shortages in calculating and analyzing precision. It will be ameliorated in the future study.