High-performance large-format detector arrays responsive to the 1-5μm wavelength range of the infrared spectrum
fabricated using large area HgCdTe layers grown on 6-inch diameter (211) silicon substrates are available for advanced
imaging applications. This paper reviews performance and capabilities of Raytheon Vision Systems (RVS) HgCdTe/Si
Focal Plane Arrays (FPA) and shows 2k x 2k format MWIR HgCdTe/Si FPA performance with NEdT operabilities
better than 99.9%. SWIR and MWIR detector performance for HgCdTe/Si is comparable to established performance of
HgCdTe/CdZnTe wafers. HgCdTe devices fabricated on both types of substrates have demonstrated very low dark
current, high quantum efficiency and full spectral band fill factor characteristic of HgCdTe. HgCdTe has the advantage
of being able to precisely tune the detector cutoff via adjustment of the Cd composition in the MBE growth. The
HgCdTe/Si detectors described in this paper are p-on-n mesa delineated architecture and fabricated using the same
mature etch, passivation, and metallization processes as our HgCdTe/CdZnTe line. Uniform device quality HgCdTe
epitaxial layers and application of detector fabrication processes across the full area of 6-inch wafers routinely produces
high performing detector pixels from edge to edge of the photolithographic limits across the wafer, offering 5 times the
printable area as costly 6×6cm CdZnTe substrates. This 6-inch HgCdTe detector wafer technology can provide
applications demanding very wide FOV high resolution coverage the capability to produce a very large single piece
infrared detector array, up to a continuous image plane 10×10 cm in size. Alternatively, significant detector cost
reduction through allowing more die of a given size to be printed on each wafer is possible, with further cost reduction
achieved through transition towards automated detector fabrication and photolithographic processes for both increased
yields and reduced touch labor costs. RVS continues to improve its FPA manufacturing line towards achieving low cost
infrared FPAs with the format, size, affordability, and performance required for current and future infrared applications.
RVS has made a significant breakthrough in the development of an athermal (TECless) 640 x 480 uncooled sensor with a unit cell size of 17 μm x 17 μm, and performance approaching that of the 25μm arrays. The sensor design contains a highly productized FPA and is designed to achieve excellent sensitivity (low NETD and low spatial noise) with good dynamic range. The improved performance is achieved through bolometer structure improvements, innovative ROIC design, and flexible, low power electronics architecture.
We will show updated performance and imagery on these sensors, which is currently being measured at <50mK, f/1, 30 Hz. Pixel operability is greater than 99 % on most FPAs, and uncorrected responsivity nonuniformity is less than 3% (sigma/mean). The combination of reduced FPA pixel size and improved effective thermal sensitivity enhances performance by providing smaller, lighter-weight systems via reduced optics size. Or, alternatively, increased range via enhanced pixel resolution without increasing mass (maintaining optical size).
We will also show the advancements made in our uncooled common architecture electronics in terms of reduced power and size for man-portable and missile applications.
RVS has made a significant breakthrough in the development of a 640 x 512 uncooled array with a unit cell size of 17 μm x 17 μm, and performance approaching that of the 25μm arrays. The successful development of this array is the first step in achieving mega-pixel formats. This FPA is designed to ultimately achieve performance of (<50mK, f/1, 30 Hz) with an 8 msec time constant. The SB-400 is a highly productized ROIC and is designed to achieve very good sensitivity (low NETD and low spatial noise) and good dynamic range. The improved performance is through bolometer structure improvements and an innovative ROIC design. It also has a simple and flexible electrical interface which allows external electronics to be small, lightweight, low-cost, and low-power. Almost all adjustments can be made through the serial interface; hence there is no need for external adjustable (DAC) circuitry. The improved power supply rejection helps maintain highly stable detector and strip resistor bias voltages which helps reduce spatial noise and image artifacts.
The combination of reduced FPA pixel size and improved effective thermal sensitivity enhances weapon sight performance by providing smaller, lighter-weight sights via reduced optics size or increased range via enhanced pixel resolution without increasing mass or increased range via improved NETD (lower f/#) without increasing mass.
We will also provide an update on the enhanced performance and yield producibility of our NVESD ManTech 640 x 480 25μm arrays.
We will also show the improvement in our uncooled common architecture electronics in terms of reduced power and size for helmet and rifle mounted sensors and a variety of missile applications.
RVS has made a significant breakthrough in the development of a 640 × 512 array with a unit cell size of
20μm × 20 μm and performance equivalent to that of the 25μm arrays. The successful development of this array is the
first step in achieving mega-pixel formats. This FPA is designed to ultimately achieve performance near the
temperature fluctuation limited NETD (<20mK, f/1, 30 Hz). The SB-300 is a highly productized readout and is
designed to achieve very good sensitivity (low NETD and low spatial noise) and good dynamic range. The improved
performance is through bolometer structure improvements and an innovative ROIC design. It also has a simple and
flexible electrical interface which allows external electronics to be small, light, low-cost, and low-power. Almost all
adjustments can be made through the serial interface; hence there is no need for external adjustable (DAC) circuitry.
The improved power supply rejection helps maintain highly stable detector and strip resistor bias voltages which helps
reduce spatial noise and image artifacts.
We will show updated performance and imagery on these arrays, which is currently being measured at <30mK, f/1,555
30 Hz. Pixel operability is greater than 99.5% on most FPAs, where the uncorrected responsivity nonuniformity is less
than 4% (sigma/mean), and time constant for these arrays was measured at <8msec. We will report detailed FPA
performance results including responsivity, noise, uniformity and pixel operability. We also plan to present video
imagery from the most recent FPAs. The reduction in pixel size offers several potential benefits for IR systems. For a
given system resolution (IFOV) requirement, the 20 μm pixel will allow an optical volume that is 50 % the size of a 25
μm based system!
We will also provide an update on the enhanced performance and yield producibility of our NVESD ManTech
640 × 480 25 μm arrays, and also show data on 25 μm arrays that have been designed for faster time constants (5 ms),
while maintaining high performance.
We will also show the improvement in our uncooled 320 × 240 and 640 × 480 sensor electronics in terms of reduced
power and size for helmet and rifle mounted sensors.
D. Murphy, M. Ray, A. Kennedy, J. Wyles, C. Hewitt, R. Wyles, E. Gordon, T. Sessler, S. Baur, D. Van Lue, S. Anderson, R. Chin, H. Gonzalez, C. Le Pere, S. Ton, T. Kostrzewa
RVS is producing high-quality microbolometer FPAs with 25 μm pixels. We have developed formats in both 320 x 240 and 640 x 480 array formats. These FPAs have demonstrated sensitivities that are comparable to microbolometer FPAs with 50 μm pixels with the best measured NETD value for these FPAs now <25mK with an f/1 aperture and operating at 30 Hz frame rates. Pixel operability is greater than 99.9% on most FPAs, and uncorrected responsivity nonuniformity is less than 3% (sigma/mean). These 25 μm microbolometer detectors also have a relatively fast thermal time constant of approximately 10 msec. These arrays have produced excellent image quality, and are currently fielded in a variety of systems. We will report on our latest performance data and IR captive flight test imagery. We will also show data on 25μm arrays that have been designed for faster time constants (5 msec), while maintaining high performance. RVS is also developing a 320 x 240 50μm mid-wave responding FPA. We will review the MWIR sensitivity improvements with this array and provide IR imagery. RVS is developing a 640 x 480 25μm uncooled FPA for a countermine detection application using a two-band assembly designed to be sensitive in both the Restrahlen and Thermal spectral bands. We will provide IR image data on these arrays. RVS has made a significant breakthrough in the development of a 640 x 512 array with a unit cell size of 20 μm x 20 μm, and performance approaching that of the 25μm arrays. The successful development of this array is the first step in achieving mega-pixel formats. This FPA is designed to ultimately achieve performance near the temperature fluxuation limited NETD (<20mK, f/1, 30 Hz). We will show updated performance and imagery on these arrays, which is currently being measured at <45mK, f/1, 30 Hz.
Raytheon is producing high-quality 320 x 240 microbolometer FPAs with 25 μm pitch pixels. The 320 x 240 FPAs have a sensitivity that is comparable to microbolometer FPAs with 50 μm pixels. Typical NETD values for these FPAs are <50mK with an f/1 aperture and operating at 30 Hz frame rates. Pixel operability is greater than 99.9% on most FPAs, and uncorrected responsivity nonuniformity is less than 4% (sigma/mean). These 25 μm microbolometer detectors also have a relatively fast thermal time constant of approximately 10 msec. These arrays have produced excellent image quality, and are currently fielded in a variety of demonstration systems. The pixel size reduction facilitates a significant FPA cost reduction since the number of die printed on a wafer can be increased, and also has enabled the development of a large-format 640 x 480 FPA array. Raytheon is producing these arrays with excellent sensitivity and typical NETD values of <50mK with an f/1 aperture and operating at 30 Hz frame rates. These arrays have excellent operability and image quality. Several dual FOV prototype 640 x 480 systems have been delivered under the LCMS and UAV programs. RVS has developed a flexible uncooled front end (UFE) electronics that will serve as the basis for the camera engine systems using 320 x 240 arrays. RVS has developed a 640 x 480 Common Uncooled Engine (CUE) which is intended for small pixel, high performance applications. The CUE is the ideal cornerstone for ground and airborne systems, multi-mode sensor, weapon sight or seeker architectures, and commercial surveillance.
Raytheon Vision Systems (RVS) in collaboration with HRL Laboratories is contributing to the maturation and manufacturing readiness of third-generation two-color HgCdTe infrared staring focal plane arrays (FPAs). This paper will highlight data from the routine growth and fabrication of 256x256 30μm unit-cell staring FPAs that provide dual-color detection in the mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) and long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) spectral regions. FPAs configured for MWIR/MWIR, MWIR/LWIR and LWIR/LWIR detection are used for target identification, signature recognition and clutter rejection in a wide variety of space and ground-based applications. Optimized triple-layer-heterojunction (TLHJ) device designs and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth using in-situ controls has contributed to individual bands in all two-color FPA configurations exhibiting high operability (>99%) and both performance and FPA functionality comparable to state-of-the-art single-color technology. The measured spectral cross talk from out-of-band radiation for either band is also typically less than 10%. An FPA architecture based on a single mesa, single indium bump, and sequential mode operation leverages current single-color processes in production while also providing compatibility with existing second-generation technologies.
Raytheon Systems Company has developed a prototype infrared imaging rifle-sight using an uncooled, microbolometer FPA. The high-sensitivity FPA (SBRC-151) used in the Long-wavelength Staring Sensor (LWSS) was developed by Raytheon Infrared Center of Excellence (IR COE). The NETD (noise equivalent temperature difference) sensitivity of the camera has been measured at 14 mK with f/1 optics and at 74 mK with an f/2.1 aperture stop. Excellent imagery has been demonstrated with the f/2.1 aperture. The 320 X 240 FPA utilizes a high-yield CMOS readout integrated circuit (ROIC) that achieves high sensitivity, low output nonuniformity, and large scene dynamic range. The ROIC provides multi-level, on-chip nonuniformity correction and on-chip temperature compensation. The FPA has 50 micrometer X 50 micrometer pixels and operates at frame rates up to 60 Hz with a single output. The LWSS was characterized by the U.S. Army's NVESD in 1997 using an earlier version of the SBRC-151 FPA. The NVESD measurements validated the Raytheon NETD data. The NVESD evaluation also demonstrated outstanding MRT and spatial noise characteristics. The VOx microbolometer detectors are produced at the Raytheon IR COE facility in Santa Barbara, CA using an advanced dry-etch fabrication process. In addition to the LWSS project, the IR COE has initiated production of the microbolometer FPAs (AE-189) for commercial applications. Over 600 FPAs have been produced on this project, and data is presented for the first 250 FPAs that have been packaged and tested. The pixel operability of the production radiometer FPAs (AE-189) is typically greater than 99.9%.
Raytheon Sensors and Communications Systems has developed a prototype infrared imaging rifle-sight using an uncooled, microbolometer FPA. The Longwavelength Staring Sensor (LWSS) has been characterized by NVESD, where it demonstrated NETD and MRT values that are unsurpassed for uncooled FPA technology. The NVESD-measured NETD values were 24 mK with f/0.7 optics and 42 mK with an f/1/0 aperture. When used with the f/0.7 optics, NVESD measured MRT values less than 60 mK at the nyquist spatial frequency. Similar measurements at f/1.0 produced MRT values less than 110 mK. Further optimization of the microbolometers is expected to produce FPAs with NETD values less than 20 mK for f/1.0 apertures. The high- performance uncooled microbolometer FPA (SBRC-151) used in the LWSS was developed by Raytheon Santa Barbara Research Center. The 320 X 240 FPA utilizes a high-yield CMOS readout integrated circuit (ROIC) that achieves high sensitivity, low output nonuniformity, and large scene dynamic range. The ROIC provides multi-level, on-chip nonuniformity correction and on- chip temperature compensation. The FPA has 50 micrometer X 50 micrometer pixels and operates at frame rates up to 60 Hz with a single output. The VOX microbolometer detectors are produced at SBRC using an advanced dry-etch fabrication process. In addition to the LWSS project, SBRC has initiated low-rate production of the microbolometer FPAs. This work is being performed in support of Raytheon-Amber for commercial radiometer cameras. The pixel operability of the production radiometer FPAs (AE-189) are greater than 99.9%.
SBRC has developed a high-quality 320 X 240 room- temperature infrared FPA that operates in the 8 - 14 micrometers spectral band. The FPA is based upon the silicon microbolometer technology that has been licensed from Honeywell. This monolithic uncooled FPA utilizes a novel BiCMOS readout circuit that provides high sensitivity and excellent output uniformity. The 320 X 240 FPA operates at frame rates up to 60 Hz with a single output. The microbolometers were fabricated monolithically on the silicon readout circuits at SBRC using VOx as the bolometer material. As advanced microbridge structure design was used that achieves an optical fill-factor greater than 65% in the 48 micrometers X 48 micrometers pixels. The structure also provides excellent thermal isolation for high responsivity and sensitivity. Initial measurements indicate the FPAs are operating with an NETD sensitivity of about 100 mK for an f/1 aperture. This FPA is ultimately expected to operate at sensitivities of less than 20 mK. The FPA also demonstrates peak-to-peak output nonuniformities of less than 100 mV. The FPAs have been mounted in permanently-sealed vacuum packages with single-stage thermoelectric temperature stabilizers. These vacuum packages have been integrated into a camera system that has produced high-quality infrared imagery.
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