Dr. Matthew E. Edwards
Professor of Physics
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (29)

Proceedings Article | 7 September 2017 Presentation + Paper
Matthew Edwards, Padmaja Guggilla, Angela Reedy, Quratulann Ijaz, Afef Janen, Samuel Uba, Michael Curley
Proceedings Volume 10382, 103820I (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2273875
KEYWORDS: Thin films, Carbon nanotubes, Electrons, Dielectrics, Temperature metrology, Metals, Chemical species, Environmental sensing, Photonic devices

Proceedings Article | 28 August 2015 Paper
Matthew Edwards, Afef Janen, Padmaja Guggilla, Jemelia Polius, Jade Douglas, Michael Curley
Proceedings Volume 9609, 96090E (2015) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2188943
KEYWORDS: Dielectrics, Ferroelectric polymers, Thin films, Composites, Temperature metrology, Electrodes, Infrared sensors, Sensors, Carbon nanotubes, Infrared detectors

Proceedings Article | 7 October 2014 Paper
Matthew Edwards, Stephen Egarievwe, Tatiana Kukhtareva, Jemilia Polius, Afef Janen, John Corda
Proceedings Volume 9220, 922009 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2061417
KEYWORDS: Dielectrics, Ferroelectric polymers, Temperature metrology, Thin films, Silver, Capacitors, Carbon nanotubes, Electrodes, Infrared radiation, Instrument modeling

Proceedings Article | 5 September 2014 Paper
Quianna Johnson, Matthew Edwards, Josh Herring, Michael Curley
Proceedings Volume 9200, 920003 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2061452
KEYWORDS: Thin film coatings, Annealing, Gadolinium, Oxides, Scanning electron microscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy, Sol-gels, Coating, Refractive index, Europium

Proceedings Article | 25 September 2013 Paper
Quianna Johnson, Matthew Edwards, Michael Curley
Proceedings Volume 8847, 884706 (2013) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2023428
KEYWORDS: Refractive index, Coating, Thin films, Gadolinium, Sol-gels, Oxides, Waveguides, Europium, Thin film coatings, Crystals

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