20 March 2018 Design and analysis of three-layer-core optical fiber
Siwen Zheng, Yazhuo Liu, Guangjian Chang
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Funded by: Army Academy of Armored Forces
A three-layer-core single-mode large-mode-area fiber is investigated. The three-layer structure in the core, which is composed of a core-index layer, a cladding-index layer, and a depression-index layer, could achieve a large effective area Aeff while maintaining an ultralow bending loss without deteriorating cutoff behaviors. The single-mode large mode area of 100 to 330  μm2 could be achieved in the fiber. The effective area Aeff can be further enlarged by adjusting the layer parameters. Furthermore, the bending property could be improved in this three-layer-core structure. The bending loss could decrease by 2 to 4 orders of magnitude compared with the conventional step-index fiber with the same Aeff. These characteristics of three-layer-core fiber suggest that it can be used in large-mode-area wide-bandwidth high-capacity transmission or high-power optical fiber laser and amplifier in optical communications, which could be used for the basic physical layer structure of big data storage, reading, calculation, and transmission applications.
© 2018 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 0091-3286/2018/$25.00 © 2018 SPIE
Siwen Zheng, Yazhuo Liu, and Guangjian Chang "Design and analysis of three-layer-core optical fiber," Optical Engineering 57(3), 036111 (20 March 2018). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.57.3.036111
Received: 3 November 2017; Accepted: 27 February 2018; Published: 20 March 2018
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Optical fibers

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Structured optical fibers

Optical engineering

Fiber lasers

High power fiber amplifiers

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