1 January 2011 Toward a two-dimensional barcode with visual information using perceptual shaping watermarking in mobile applications
Jen-Chang Liu, Hsiang-An Shieh
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Traditional two-dimensional (2-D) barcodes, such as the QR code and PDF417, do not carry visual information. This work proposes a visually meaningful 2-D barcode (or 2-D image code) that carries not only hidden information, but also visual information. Watermarking is employed to hide information in a meaningful cover image to produce the 2-D image code. The 2-D image code can be printed or displayed and then captured using a camera-equipped mobile device. The hidden information is extracted for innovative applications. To resist distortions in the print-and-photo process, a perceptual shaping algorithm, based on Watson's DCT-based perceptual model, is proposed for use in the data hiding procedure. The detection performance that can be achieved using two classes of position-detection patterns is evaluated, and the best pattern is then used as a part of the 2-D image code. A web service is provided for generating the 2-D image codes and a Java-based decoder is developed for mobile phones. The results of practical experiments reveal the applicability, robustness, and high capacity of the proposed 2-D image code.
©(2011) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Jen-Chang Liu and Hsiang-An Shieh "Toward a two-dimensional barcode with visual information using perceptual shaping watermarking in mobile applications," Optical Engineering 50(1), 017002 (1 January 2011). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.3529430
Published: 1 January 2011
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Cited by 15 scholarly publications.
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Image compression

Digital watermarking


Information visualization

Data hiding

Image processing

Image resolution


Data hiding technique in JPEG compressed domain
Proceedings of SPIE (August 01 2001)
Slant transform watermarking for digital images
Proceedings of SPIE (June 23 2003)
Spatial watermark for image verification
Proceedings of SPIE (May 09 2000)

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