1 March 2006 Acquisition and tracking control of satellite-borne laser communication systems and simulation of downlink fluctuations
Masahiro Toyoda
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Fluctuation in the intensity of a downlink (satellite-to-ground) laser beam is examined by first measuring the acquisition time and pointing error of a satellite-borne laser communication system. The downlink intensity fluctuation is then simulated using a computer model that takes into account the effects of acquisition and tracking control, satellite attitude perturbation, and intensity fluctuation due to atmospheric turbulence. The simulation shows that when the tracking control-loop is closed, the major portion of the angular variation due to satellite attitude variation is corrected by the tracking control; scarcely any angular error in beam pointing remains.
©(2006) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Masahiro Toyoda "Acquisition and tracking control of satellite-borne laser communication systems and simulation of downlink fluctuations," Optical Engineering 45(3), 036001 (1 March 2006). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.2183041
Published: 1 March 2006
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Atmospheric turbulence

Control systems

Optical tracking

Satellite communications


Laser communications

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