1 November 1999 Passive Q-switching of a Nd:YAG laser with a GaAs output coupler
Jianhui Gu, Feng Zhou, Siu Chung Tam, Wenjie Xie, Yee Loy Lam
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By using GaAs as an output coupler as well as a saturable absorber, passive Q-switching of an arc-lamp pumped Nd:YAG laser has been demonstrated. The shortest pulse duration obtained was 77.6 ns, corresponding to a pulse energy of 34 ?J. The laser average output power was 2.1 Wwith a power density in GaAs at 1.5x 103 Wcm-2 No optical damage to GaAs was observed without any active cooling.
Jianhui Gu, Feng Zhou, Siu Chung Tam, Wenjie Xie, and Yee Loy Lam "Passive Q-switching of a Nd:YAG laser with a GaAs output coupler," Optical Engineering 38(11), (1 November 1999). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.602231
Published: 1 November 1999
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Cited by 10 scholarly publications and 10 patents.
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Gallium arsenide

Nd:YAG lasers

Q switches


Output couplers

Semiconducting wafers

Q switched lasers


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