1 July 1998 Hough transform based multisensor, multitarget, track initiation technique
S. W. Yankowich, Mohamad Farooq
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The Hough transform is suggested in literature as an effective technique for track initiation. However, to date, most papers have focused on simplistic applications of this technique based on one sensor, one target, and no clutter scenarios. We present a detailed methodology applying the Hough transform to the multiple target, multiple sensor data association and track initiation problem. Using a two-tiered methodology, bearing and range tracks are detected in separate Hough spaces. The measurements defining these tracks are subsequently associated for the purpose of track detection and initiation. The effectiveness of this technique is demonstrated through several comprehensive simulation scenarios.
S. W. Yankowich and Mohamad Farooq "Hough transform based multisensor, multitarget, track initiation technique," Optical Engineering 37(7), (1 July 1998). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601794
Published: 1 July 1998
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Hough transforms


Target detection

Monte Carlo methods

Binary data

Data fusion

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