1 May 1998 Simultaneous measurement of the position and shape of a swimming fish by combining a fringe pattern projection method with a laser scanning technique
LiJiang Zeng, Hirokazu Matsumoto, Keiji Kawachi
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A novel scanning fringe projection method is developed to simultaneously measure the variations in both position and shape of a swimming fish. This method combines the commonly used fringe pattern projection method and a laser scanning technique into one optical system. In this new system, one or more reference fringes are generated by an acousto-optic deflector, and laser triangulation is used to determine the order of the reference fringe. These reference fringes are then combined with the conventional fringe pattern, and the fringe order is determined from the reference fringes. The method enables us to simultaneously measure the position and shape of a moving object. We successfully apply the method to a swimming fish.
LiJiang Zeng, Hirokazu Matsumoto, and Keiji Kawachi "Simultaneous measurement of the position and shape of a swimming fish by combining a fringe pattern projection method with a laser scanning technique," Optical Engineering 37(5), (1 May 1998). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601681
Published: 1 May 1998
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Cited by 6 scholarly publications.
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Fringe analysis

Laser scanners

CCD cameras

Position sensors

Laser systems engineering

Optical engineering

3D scanning


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