1 December 1989 Predictions Of Stray Light Modeling On The Ultimate Performance Of Acousto-Optic Processors
R. B. Brown, A. E. Craig, John N. Lee
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Measured values of critical optical processor performance parameters such as crosstalk and dynamic range generally fall short of the values predicted on the basis of first order design, ray tracing, and diffraction calculations. Normally, the procedure used to design an optical system such as a coherent optical processor does not take into account optical scatter, reflections, and incoherent light in the source. Stray light factors are of critical importance in those systems designed for spectrum analysis or correlation in which the light is collected on a closely spaced array of pixels. If the (bidirectional) transmission distribution function (BTDF) of optical elements were known very near specular (0.01° to 0.001°) and a suitable means of calculating its effect were available, stray light performance could be included in the design procedure. Instruments are now available that can measure the BTDF near the required angles, and an optical design code is also available that can make use of BTDF data. BTDF data for samples of acousto-optic material have been measured close to 0.001°, and the possibility of smaller angles is discussed. The new analysis code has been used to model several simple configurations found in acousto-optic processors. The results are compared with normal calculations (CODE V) and with some measured performance data.
R. B. Brown, A. E. Craig, and John N. Lee "Predictions Of Stray Light Modeling On The Ultimate Performance Of Acousto-Optic Processors," Optical Engineering 28(12), 281299 (1 December 1989). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.7977147
Published: 1 December 1989
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Stray light

Optical design

Performance modeling


Geometrical optics


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