1.IntroductionThe discovery of topological insulators1 has prompted researchers in classical optics2–4 to examine electromagnetic scattering due to bound objects made of these materials, exemplified by chalcogenides such as , , and . As a topological insulator is considered to be an isotropic material, its frequency-domain constitutive relations are formulated to contain a magnetoelectric pseudoscalar (denoted by here) in addition to the permittivity scalar and the permeability scalar . The surface of the topological insulator is assumed to be charge free and current free, and the scattering problem can then be solved by following textbook techniques.5 Yet, according to condensed-matter theory, surface states exist on topological insulators as protected conducting states,2 and the characteristic electromagnetic responses of these materials are due to those surface states. Should then a topological insulator’s optical response be modeled as due solely to either
The topological insulator possesses the permittivity and permeability in both models. Both and are admittances, and whereas the magnetoelectric constitutive parameter mediates between and as well as between and throughout the topological insulator, is meaningful only on the surface of that material. This communication is devoted to a comparison of models I and II, through the fundamental boundary-value problem of reflection and refraction of a plane wave. This problem is described and solved in Sec. 2 for both models. Section 3 contains a comparative discussion of the two models. Vectors are underlined. An dependence on time is implicit, with as the angular frequency and . 2.Fundamental Boundary-Value ProblemSuppose that all space is divided into two mutually disjoint half spaces and separated by the surface . We need to solve the frequency-domain macroscopic Maxwell equations: in and separately, and impose boundary conditions on . It is possible to do so for models I and II together.Let the half space be vacuous so that the constitutive equations hold, being the permittivity and being the permeability of free space. Equation (1) can then be written as in terms of the primitive field phasors and .The frequency-domain constitutive relations of the material occupying are where , , and are functions of . Equation (4) allows us to accommodate model I. After substituting Eq. (4) into Eq. (1), we get Let us note that does not appear in the Maxwell equations applied to after the convenient but inessential induction field phasors and have been translated into essential primitive field phasors and .When solving an electromagnetic boundary-value problem, it is common to use the boundary conditions: with the unit normal vector at pointing into . The subscripts “in” and “out” indicate that the fields in and , respectively, are being evaluated on . The quantities and are the surface charge density and the surface current density, respectively. In order to accommodate model II, we set where describes the surface states.Let an arbitrarily polarized plane wave in be incident on . Then the primitive field phasors in can be written as where , , and the dependences on are implicit. Representing the incident plane wave, the coefficients and are presumed to be known. Representing the plane wave reflected into , the coefficients and are unknown. Equation (8) satisfies Eq. (3).The primitive field phasors in are given as where , , and the coefficients and are unknown. Representing the plane wave refracted into , these expressions satisfy Eq. (5).The foregoing expressions were substituted into Eqs. (2)2, (4)2, (6)2,4 and (7)2 to determine , , , and in terms of and . Thus, whereWe have verified that Eqs. (10) through (13) satisfy Eqs. (6)1,3 and (7)1. Moreover, Eqs. (10) through (13) simplify to the standard results:6,7 for .3.Discussion and ConclusionEquations (10) through (13) can be recast in matrix form as The elements of the matrices have either both subscripts identical or two different subscripts. The elements with both subscripts identical indicate copolarized reflection or refraction, with the remaining elements indicating cross polarization. Both cross-polarized reflection and refraction in Eqs. (10) through (13) are due to .Equations (10) through (13) do not contain and separately, but their sum instead. Thus, measurements of the reflection coefficients and (or the transmission coefficients and , if at all possible) cannot be used to discriminate between models I () and II (). Equations (6)4 and (7)2 together make it clear that measurements of the reflection and transmission coefficients of a slab made of a topological insulator cannot be used to discriminate between the two models; not only that, the solution of every scattering problem will depend on , not on alone or alone. This impasse can be resolved by realizing that surface states exist on topological insulators as protected conducting states, and the characteristic behavior of these materials is due to those surface states. Furthermore, vanishes from the Maxwell equations (5) applicable to occupied by the topological insulator; indeed, would vanish even if the topological insulator were bianisotropic.8 For both of these reasons, we must choose model II, which also satisfies the Post constraint .9 As the material occupying is isotropic and achiral, cross-polarized reflection in this problem has been taken to arise from the Lorentz nonreciprocity inherent in Eq. (4).10 But now we see that surface states described by Eq. (7) by themselves are capable of yielding cross-polarized reflection, which is, therefore, not an indication of Lorentz nonreciprocity. AcknowledgmentsA.L. is grateful to the Charles Godfrey Binder Endowment at Penn State for ongoing support of his research. T.G.M. acknowledges the support of EPSRC grant EP/M018075/1. ReferencesM. Z. Hasan and C. L. Kane,
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BiographyAkhlesh Lakhtakia received his degrees from the Banaras Hindu University and the University of Utah. He is the Charles Godfrey Binder Professor of engineering science and mechanics at the Pennsylvania State University. His current research interests include nanotechnology, bioreplication, forensic science, solar-energy harvesting, surface multiplasmonics, metamaterials, mimumes, and sculptured thin films. He is a fellow of OSA, SPIE, IoP, AAAS, APS, and IEEE. He received the 2010 SPIE Technical Achievement Award. Tom G. Mackay is a reader in applied mathematics at the University of Edinburgh and an adjunct professor in the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at the Pennsylvania State University. He is a graduate of the Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Strathclyde, and a fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK) and SPIE. His research interests include the electromagnetic theory of novel and complex materials, including homogenized composite materials. |