Physics of Medical Imaging
Sun Kwon, Alessandro Ferri, Alberto Gola, Eric Berg, Claudio Piemonte, Simon Cherry, Emilie Roncali
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 043501, (November 2016)
TOPICS: Crystals, Sensors, Positron emission tomography, CRTs, Picosecond phenomena, Coating, Computer programming, Crystallography, Image resolution, Silicon photomultipliers
Taly Gilat Schmidt, Adam S. Wang, Thomas Coradi, Benjamin Haas, Josh Star-Lack
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 043502, (November 2016)
TOPICS: Image segmentation, Error analysis, Computed tomography, Monte Carlo methods, Lung, Image processing algorithms and systems, X-ray computed tomography, Bone, Tissues, Neck
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 043503, (December 2016)
TOPICS: Sensors, Computed tomography, Photon counting, Scanners, Spatial resolution, Medicine, X-ray computed tomography, X-rays, Data acquisition, Interference (communication)
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 043504, (December 2016)
TOPICS: Sensors, Lung, Spatial resolution, Computed tomography, Photon counting, Scanners, Bone, Modulation transfer functions, Head, Image quality
Image Processing
Shiju Joseph, Asif Adnan, David Adlam
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 044001, (November 2016)
TOPICS: Image segmentation, Blood, Binary data, Tissues, Optical coherence tomography, Oxygen, Speckle, Blood circulation, Visualization, In vivo imaging
Beatrice Barra, Elena De Momi, Giancarlo Ferrigno, Guglielmo Pero, Francesco Cardinale, Giuseppe Baselli
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 044002, (November 2016)
TOPICS: Arteries, Veins, Angiography, Toxic industrial chemicals, 3D image processing, Computed tomography, 3D imaging standards, Surgery, Computer simulations, Reconstruction algorithms
Asit Subudhi, Subhra Pattnaik, Sukanta Sabut
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 044003, (November 2016)
TOPICS: Blood vessels, Image filtering, Image enhancement, Image segmentation, Databases, Particle swarm optimization, Retina, Image processing, Edge detection, Particles
Alessandro Cosci, Ademar Takahama, Wagner Rafael Correr, Rebeca Souza Azevedo, Karla Bianca Fernandes da Costa Fontes, Cristina Kurachi
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 044004, (December 2016)
TOPICS: Luminescence, Laser induced plasma spectroscopy, Detection and tracking algorithms, Tissue optics, Cancer, Diagnostics, Tissues, Visualization, Algorithm development, Image analysis
John S. Baxter, Jiro Inoue, Maria Drangova, Terry Peters
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 044005, (December 2016)
TOPICS: Image segmentation, Stars, Blood, Ultrasonography, Medical imaging, Computed tomography, Computing systems, Tissues, Statistical modeling, Optimization (mathematics)
Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Hadi Rezaeilouyeh, Ali Mollahosseini, Mohammad Mahoor
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 044501, (November 2016)
Open Access
TOPICS: Image classification, Feature extraction, Neural networks, Breast cancer, Medical imaging, Tissues, RGB color model, Prostate, Cancer, Convolution
Olga Schenk, Yinghe Huo, Koen Vincken, Mart van de Laar, Ina H. Kuper, Kees C. Slump, Floris P. J. Lafeber, Hein B. Bernelot Moens
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 044502, (November 2016)
Open Access
TOPICS: Radiography, Microchannel plates, Image acquisition, Image processing, Error analysis, Medical imaging, Rheumatology, Computing systems, Indium arsenide, Gold
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 044503, (December 2016)
TOPICS: Image segmentation, Bone, Image filtering, Magnetic resonance imaging, Tissues, Cartilage, Surgery, 3D image processing, 3D modeling, Image enhancement
Matthew Hancock, Jerry Magnan
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 044504, (December 2016)
TOPICS: Image segmentation, Lung, Diagnostics, Image classification, Medical imaging, Feature extraction, Computed tomography, Databases, Computer aided diagnosis and therapy, CAD systems
Faraz Oloumi, Rangaraj Rangayyan, Anna Ells
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 044505, (December 2016)
TOPICS: Photography, Image segmentation, Diagnostics, Computer aided diagnosis and therapy, Databases, Retina, Image classification, Statistical analysis, Feature selection, Feature extraction
Samuel G. Armato, Karen Drukker, Feng Li, Lubomir Hadjiiski, Georgia D. Tourassi, Justin S. Kirby, Laurence P. Clarke, Roger M. Engelmann, Maryellen L. Giger, George Redmond, Keyvan Farahani
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 044506, (December 2016)
Open Access
TOPICS: Lung, Computed tomography, Calibration, Cancer, Medical imaging, Medical research, Algorithm development, Diagnostics, Computer aided diagnosis and therapy, Computer aided design
Hui Li, William Weiss, Milica Medved, Hiroyuki Abe, Gillian Newstead, Gregory Karczmar, Maryellen Giger
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 044507, (December 2016)
TOPICS: Breast, Magnetic resonance imaging, Skin, Tissues, Image segmentation, Spatial resolution, Breast cancer, Mammography, Chest, Statistical analysis
Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling
Xinyang Liu, Sukryool Kang, William Plishker, George Zaki, Timothy Kane, Raj Shekhar
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 045001, (October 2016)
TOPICS: Laparoscopy, Sensors, Calibration, Visualization, Ultrasonography, Video, Electromagnetism, Imaging systems, Optical tracking, Cameras
Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging
Nicholas Tran, Archontis Giannakidis, Grant Gullberg, Youngho Seo
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 046001, (November 2016)
Open Access
TOPICS: Heart, Diffusion, Magnetic resonance imaging, Diffusion tensor imaging, Quantitative analysis, Structured optical fibers, Image registration, Tissues, In vivo imaging, MATLAB
Maysam Shahedi, Derek Cool, Cesare Romagnoli, Glenn Bauman, Matthew Bastian-Jordan, George Rodrigues, Belal Ahmad, Michael Lock, Aaron Fenster, Aaron Ward
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 046002, (November 2016)
TOPICS: Image segmentation, Prostate, Magnetic resonance imaging, Error analysis, Bladder, Image processing algorithms and systems, Principal component analysis, 3D modeling, Cancer, Prostate cancer
Jessica Kishimoto, Sandrine de Ribaupierre, Fateme Salehi, Walter Romano, David S. Lee, Aaron Fenster
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 046003, (November 2016)
Open Access
TOPICS: 3D image processing, 3D metrology, Image segmentation, Ultrasonography, 3D acquisition, Magnetic resonance imaging, Transducers, 3D imaging standards, Standards development, Imaging systems
Elham Karami, Yong Wang, Stewart Gaede, Ting-Yim Lee, Abbas Samani
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 046004, (November 2016)
TOPICS: Image segmentation, Lung, Computed tomography, Heart, Image processing algorithms and systems, Spine, 3D modeling, Cartilage, Algorithm development, Physiology
Brett Byram, Jasmine Shu
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 046005, (December 2016)
TOPICS: Scattering, Computer simulations, Ultrasonography, Tissues, Speckle, Wavefronts, Signal to noise ratio, Model-based design, Wave propagation, Data acquisition
Digital Pathology
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 047501, (October 2016)
Open Access
TOPICS: Image registration, Tissues, 3D image processing, Breast, 3D image reconstruction, Image resolution, Image segmentation, Biomedical optics, Image processing, Pathology
Patrick Leo, George Lee, Natalie N. Shih, Robin Elliott, Michael Feldman, Anant Madabhushi
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 047502, (October 2016)
TOPICS: Scanners, Image segmentation, Lithium, Feature extraction, Prostate cancer, Pathology, Cancer, Tumors, RGB color model, Tissues
Xuejin Liu, Mats Persson, Hans Bornefalk, Staffan Karlsson, Cheng Xu, Mats Danielsson, Ben Huber
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 049801, (October 2016)
Open Access
TOPICS: Spectral models, Optical computing, Computed tomography, Sensors, Data processing, Medical imaging, Physics, Image processing
Shujie Chen, Kevin Parker
Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 3, Issue 04, 049802, (December 2016)
Open Access
TOPICS: Resolution enhancement technologies, Image resolution, Computer engineering, Medical imaging
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