1 October 1999 Stochastic clustered-dot dithering
Victor Ostromoukhov, Roger David Hersch
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A new technique for building stochastic clustered-dot screens is being proposed. A large dither matrix comprising thousands of stochastically laid out screen dots is constructed by first laying out the screen dot centers. Screen dot centers are obtained by placing discrete disks of a chosen radius at free cell locations when traversing the dither array cells according to either a discretely rotated Hilbert space-filling curve or a random space-filling curve. After Delauney triangulation of the screen dot centers, the maximal surface of each screen dot is computed and isointensity regions are created. This isointensity map is converted into an antialiased gray scale image, i.e., into an array of preliminary threshold values. These threshold values are renumbered to obtain the threshold values of the final dither threshold array. By changing the disk radius, the screen dot size can be adapted to the characteristics of particular printing devices. Larger screen dots may improve the tone reproduction of printers having important dot gain.
Victor Ostromoukhov and Roger David Hersch "Stochastic clustered-dot dithering," Journal of Electronic Imaging 8(4), (1 October 1999). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.482712
Published: 1 October 1999
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Cited by 29 scholarly publications and 5 patents.
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Stochastic processes



Array processing


Color printing

Color reproduction


Application of blue noise mask in color halftoning
Proceedings of SPIE (February 27 1996)
Controlling the digital transfer process
Proceedings of SPIE (February 07 1997)
Stochastic clustered-dot dithering
Proceedings of SPIE (December 22 1998)

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