9 June 2015 Background pretruncated method for JPEG2000 region of interest coding
Jianxin Wang, En Zhu
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We propose a new method for JPEG2000 region of interest (ROI) coding called the background pretruncated method (BPTM). An algorithm to calculate the key parameter in the BPTM is also proposed. The published JPEG2000 ROI coding methods have difficulty in balancing ROI quality and system computation. Methods based on shifting coefficients add much computation, and they significantly penalize the coding efficiency. Implicit methods cannot obtain as high-ROI quality as the coefficient shift methods. To efficiently achieve ROI coding, the BPTM assigns a proper number of the least significant bitplanes of the background to zero, and it can not only achieve high-ROI quality but also add no computation to the other modules in JPEG2000. Additionally, the BPTM supports arbitrary shaped ROI coding, and the codestream is compatible with JPEG2000 standard.
© 2015 SPIE and IS&T 1017-9909/2015/$25.00 © 2015 SPIE and IS&T
Jianxin Wang and En Zhu "Background pretruncated method for JPEG2000 region of interest coding," Journal of Electronic Imaging 24(3), 033019 (9 June 2015). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JEI.24.3.033019
Published: 9 June 2015
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