This article [J. Biomed. Opt. 21(8), 088002 (2016)] was originally published online on 23 August 2016 with an error in Figure 2 and the constants , , , and in Eq. (2). This erratum is published to correct Sec. 2.5 and Fig. 2(a). Section 2.5 “Measurement of the Photofrin Concentration in Tumors” should read: The attenuation of Photofrin fluorescence signal due to the light absorption and scattering by tissue was corrected by applying an empirical correction factor (CF) where constants , , , and were determined from fitting the fluorescence SVD for phantoms with different and . The correction factor is specific to the probe and the semi-infinite geometry set-up used for the measurements.The paper was corrected online on 23 March 2017. |
Cited by 21 scholarly publications.
In vivo imaging
Photodynamic therapy
Light scattering
Signal attenuation
Biomedical optics