This article [J. Biomed. Opt. 17, 077002 (2012)] was originally published online on 9 July 2012 with several typographical errors in the text, described below. In the abstract, line 10, 67.3% should be 68.8%. On p. 2, the “greater than” symbols in Sec. 2.1, line 10, and Sec. 2.2, line 18 should not be there, so that these values read and , respectively. On p. 3, column 2, line 15, 4.05% should be 4.04%, and in line 28, 67.3% should be 68.8%. In the last row of Table 1 on p. 4, the lowercase delta should be lowercase nu (), so that the equation reads . In Fig. 6 caption, 4.05% should be 4.04%. On p. 5, column 1, line 7, the “greater than” sign should not be there, so the phrase reads “ in epithelial tissue.” The article was corrected online on 25 July 2012. It appears correctly in print. |