1.IntroductionThe low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle is the principal carrier of cholesterol in human plasma and delivers exogenous cholesterol to cells by endocytosis via the LDL receptor (LDLR). The LDL particle is a naturally occurring nanostructure typically with a diameter of . It contains a lipid core of some 1500 esterified cholesterol molecules and triglycerides. A shell of phospholipids and unesterified cholesterol surrounds this highly hydrophobic core. The shell also contains a single copy of apoB-100, which is recognized by the LDLR. Due to the large amounts of cholesterol required for membrane synthesis, a number of tumor cell lines overexpress LDL receptors relative to normal liver and adrenals.1 Therefore, LDL had been proposed as a useful discriminatory vehicle for the delivery of cytotoxic drugs, imaging probes, and photodynamic therapy agents to tumor cells.2 There are two distinct advantages for using LDL and targeting LDLR. First, being endogenous carriers, LDL particles are not immunogenic and escape recognition by the reticuloendothelial system (RES). Second, after binding to the LDLR, LDL is internalized and incorporated into endosomes, which deposit LDL into lysosomes for degradation. The receptors are recycled back to the plasma membrane. The round-trip time for an LDL receptor is approximately ten minutes;3 in its lifetime of about a day, it may bring many LDL particles into the cell. Therefore, the contents transported by LDL can accumulate within LDLR expressing cells. In general, there are three ways to incorporate agents into LDL particles. The first method involves the direct conjugation of probes to the amino acid residues of apoB-100. To date, this has been done for only a few radioactive imaging agents ( , , or labeled LDL),4 and in most cases, the probe/LDL ratio was generally kept low to avoid disrupting its affinity to LDLR.5 As an alternative approach, lipid-anchored probes can be incorporated into the LDL phospholipid monolayer via an intercalation mechanism. For example, Urizzi 6 labeled the LDL with via a lipid-anchored diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) chelating agent, as a radiopharmaceutical for tumor localization. One possible drawback of this method is that these phospholipid intercalating agents might exchange thermodynamically with similar sites on the plasma membranes of cells, thus reducing the specificity for LDLR. Following this approach, the potential of using fluorescent dye-labeled LDL as optical probes for cancer detection was also investigated.7 The third and perhaps most useful method is the LDL reconstitution approach. Kreiger, Goldstein, and Brown8 were the first to report that it is possible to remove more than 99% of core cholesteryl esters from the LDL particle by heptane extraction, and replace them with an equivalent amount of exogenous cholesteryl linoleate. The reconstituted LDL (rLDL) particle is essentially identical to native LDL in its ability to bind to LDLR, to be internalized by cells, and to be hydrolyzed in lysosomes. Moreover, the cholesterol released from the lysosomal hydrolysis of the rLDL retained its ability to modulate cholesterol metabolism. Since rLDL is internalized preferentially by LDLR, many cytotoxic compounds (e.g., doxorubicin9) have been delivered to cancer cells using this method and have shown good antitumor activity. We have recently synthesized a novel chlorophyll-based photosensitizer (PS) containing anchors that render it compatible with LDL’s phospholipid coat and lipophilic core.10 This new dye conjugate, pyropheophorbide cholesterol oleate (Pyro-CE) (structure shown in Fig. 1 , left), contains an oleate moiety to facilitate LDL reconstitution and a cholesterol moiety to anchor the phospholipid monolayer to prevent probes from leaking. Pyro-CE was incorporated into LDL (r-Pyro-CE-LDL) with a modest PS payload (Pyro-CE:LDL molar ratio ). The reconstitution efficiency of r-Pyro-CE-LDL is 45%, which is similar to the cholesteryl linoleate LDL reconstitution efficiency.8 Laser scanning confocal microscopy studies demonstrated that such an r-LDL-based PS was internalized exclusively by LDLR overexpressing human hepatoblastoma tumor cells.10 Although preliminary optical imaging and photodynamic therapy (PDT) studies of r-Pyro-CE-LDL appear promising,11 the probe/protein ratio required for the desired imaging sensitivity and PDT efficacy is far from optimal. To reduce the dose for more efficient cancer detection and treatment, it is necessary to maximize the near infrared (NIR) optical imaging/PDT agent payload for each LDL particle. Thus, we designed a novel strategy to improve LDL’s probe payload based on new NIR dyes derived from metallated phthalocyanine (Pc). Pc dyes are neutral, porphyrin-like compounds that absorb strongly above (within the NIR range of ). They are well-known photosensitizers for PDT,12 and in general are much more stable photochemically and photophysically than corresponding porphyrin analogs. For our purpose, we are particularly interested in silicon phthalocyanines (SiPc) for the following reasons. 1. Pc4 (structure shown in Fig. 1, right), a SiPc analog, is currently under PDT cancer clinical trials at the National Cancer Institute.13 2. The central silicon atom of SiPc allows axial coordination of two bulky ligands on each side of the Pc ring to prevent stack aggregation usually encountered in solution for the planar molecular structure.14 Such aggregation presumably is the major limiting factor for achieving high probe/LDL payload. 3. Since a bent or branched fatty acid is required for successful LDL reconstitution,15 introducing two oleate moieties via the axial coordination may improve the LDL reconstitution efficiency. We describe the design and synthesis of tetra- -butyl silicon phthalocyanine bisoleate, SiPcBOA, and detail its highly efficient LDL reconstitution. Additionally, we characterize the payload and size of the resulting LDL nanoparticles, and demonstrate the in vitro validation for r-SiPcBOA-LDL as a LDLR-specific optical imaging and PDT agent. 2.Materials and Methods2.1.MaterialsUV-visible and fluorescence spectra were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 2 spectrophotometer and LS50B spectrofluorometer, respectively. NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker instrument. Mass spectrometry analyses were performed at the Mass Spectrometry Facility of the Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania. All chemicals and reagents were purchased from Aldrich (Milwaukee, Wisconsin). When necessary, solvents were dried before use. For TLC, EM Science TLC plates (silica gel 60 ) were used. 2.2.Synthesis of Bisoleate Conjugate of Silicon Tetra-tert-butyl-phthalocyanine, SiPcBOAA suspension of silicon tetra-butyl-phthalocyanine dihydroxide in of 2-picoline was mixed with the oleoyl chloride and stirred under argon for . The 4-dimethylaminopyridine ( , ) was added to the mixture portion wise, which was kept well stirred under argon for an additional at . On completion, the solvent was evaporated under reduced pressure, and the product was purified by column chromatography (silica gel-hexane: ) to yield the desired conjugate ( , , 39.1%). UV-vis [nm in ]: 362 , 620 , 658 , 691 ; emission in (excitation wavelength ): . ESI-MS calculated for : 1327.94, found: 1327.96 ; HRMS calculated for : 1349.8630, found: 1349.8643. NMR ( , ppm): 9.54–9.70 (m, 8H, Aromatic H), 8.42 (m, 4H, Aromatic H), 5.25 ( , each 2H, from oleoyl vinyl H), 1.67–2.01 (m, 52 H, from oleoyl chain H), 1.21–1.28 (m, 36H, Boc H), 0.90 (m, 4H, from oleoyl chain), 0.85 (t, 6H, from oleoyl chain terminal ). 2.3.LDL Reconstitution and CharacterizationLDL, purchased from Lund-Katz’ laboratory at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) was isolated from fresh plasma of healthy donors by sequential ultracentrifugation as described previously.16 LDL reconstitution with SiPcBOA was performed following a minor modification of the method of Krieger.15 Briefly, LDL was lyophilized with starch, and then extracted three times with of heptane at . Following aspiration of the last heptane extract, of SiPcBOA was added in of benzene. After at , benzene and any residual heptane were removed under a stream of in an ice salt bath for about . The r-SiPcBOA-LDL was solubilized in Tricine, pH 8.2, at for . Starch was removed from the solution by a low-speed centrifugation followed by a centrifugation . The reconstituted LDL was stored under an inert gas at . Similarly, r-SiPcBOA-AcLDL was also prepared from SiPc-BOA and acetylated LDL (AcLDL, Biomedical Technologies, Incorporated, Stoughton, Massachusetts). The protein content of the specimen was determined by the Lowry method.17 The absorption spectrum of SiPc-BOA was measured after extraction with a chloroform and methanol mixture (2:1), and probe concentration was calculated based on the following formula: , where is the concentration of the probe, is the OD value, is the extinction coefficient, and is the dilution fold. Probe/protein molar ratio was calculated using the molecular mass of the ApoB-100 protein , knowing that one LDL particle contains only one ApoB-100. 2.4.Cell Preparationstumor cells, which were obtained from van Berkel’s laboratory from the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), L-glutamine, HEPES, with penicillin G sodium and streptomycin sulfate. Cells were grown at in an atmosphere of 5% in a humidified incubator. 2.5.Confocal Microscopy StudiesFor confocal microscopy studies, cells were grown in 4-well Lab-Tek chamber slides (Naperville, Illinois) at a density of 40,000 cells/well. Experiments were started, after two quick washes with preincubation medium [medium with 0.8% (w/v) BSA instead of FBS], by the addition of preincubation medium containing the indicated amounts of r-SiPcBOA-LDL/AcLDL and/or unlabeled LDL. After a incubation at , the cells were washed three times with ice-cold PBS and fixed for with 3% formaldehyde in PBS at room temperature. Then the chamber slides were mounted and sealed for confocal microscopy analysis. Confocal microscopy was performed with a Leica TCS SPII laser scanning confocal microscope (Heidelberg, Germany). Filter settings were for excitation and for emission. 2.6.Electron Microscopy StudiesFive microliters of the reconstituted LDL suspension were placed on carbon-coated 200 mesh copper grids and allowed to stand for . Excess sample was wicked off with lens paper and 2% saturated aqueous uranyl acetate was applied to the grid in 5 consecutive drops within . The stain was then drained off with filter paper and the grid was air dried. Digital images were taken using JEOL JEM 1010 electron microscope (JEOL-USA, Incorporated, Peabody, Massachusetts) at using AMT 12-HR software aided by a Hamamatsu CCD Camera. All related supplies were purchased at Electron Microscopy Sciences (Fort Washington, Pennsylvania). 2.7.In Vitro PDT Studies Using r-SiPcBOA-LDL as a PhotosensitizerFlasks containing approximately cells were incubated for at in preincubation medium with no drug, r-SiPcBOA-LDL protein (equivalent to SiPcBOA), or SiPcBOA. [The effective concentration of the SiPcBOA is calculated as follows: , where 1328 is the molecular weight of SiPcBOA.] Cells were washed with HBSS and subsequently incubated for with fresh preincubation medium. After this incubation, cells were again washed with HBSS, collected, and resuspended at a concentration of . Aliquots of the drug-exposed cells were transferred to individual dishes and treated with PDT at to a total fluence of , , , or . Light at was delivered using a KTP Yag-pumped dye module (Laser Scope, San Jose, California). Additionally, controls were prepared containing either r-SiPcBOA-LDL protein ( SiPcBOA) or SiPcBOA with no light dose exposure, no drug with a light dose exposure, or neither drug nor light exposure. Dishes were plated in triplicate and placed in a incubator (5% ) for . Following incubation, dishes were rinsed with PBS and allowed to air dry. Subsequently, cells were fixed and stained with methylene blue, then colonies were counted. This experiment was replicated three times. 2.8.StatisticsAnalyses of the clonogenic assays were performed using STATA software (STATA Corporation, College Station, (Texas) and data were plotted in SigmaPlot (SPSS, Incorporated, Chicago, Illinois). The outcome variable, surviving fraction, was log-transformed and data were fit by linear regression. The addition of a quadratic term to the model was tested, but a likelihood ratio test indicated no significant support for the square term. The outcome was analyzed using the multiple regression procedure, treating drug as a class variable and light as continuous. Significance of effects for light and drug combinations was determined by t-test. Controls for light-alone (at the highest dose tested), drug-alone (free and conjugated), and untreated controls showed no difference and were averaged to generate a control plating efficacy to which experimental data were compared. 3.Results and Discussion3.1.Design and Synthesis of SiPcBOAThe aim of this work is to improve the labeling (reconstitution) efficiency of LDL-based PS for achieving high probe to protein payload and to provide targeting of PS to LDLR. To achieve this aim, PS should be neutral, highly soluble in nonpolar solvent, have minimal aggregation, and contain a suitable linker for conjugation to a lipid anchor to prevent the dye from dissociating from LDL and nonspecifically binding to phospholipid bilayers on cellular membranes. For these purposes, we designed a new PS for LDL reconstitution based on SiPc. Because Si coordination allows the binding of two axial oleate ligands, these ligands will then create steric hindrance on each side of the Pc ring, thereby limiting stack aggregation. Therefore, we anticipate a large increase in the PS payload of LDL. To synthesize bisoleate-anchored SiPc, commercially available silicon tetra-tert-butylphthalocyanine dihydroxide was conjugated at the axial position with oleoyl chloride in the presence of 4-dimethylaminopyridine and 2-picoline. The desired conjugate, SiPcBOA, was obtained in 40% yield. This efficient synthetic pathway is depicted in Fig. 2 . The structure of this compound was confirmed by NMR and high resolution mass spectroscopy analysis. Figure 3 shows the absorption, excitation, and fluorescence spectra of this new compound. It has a very intense absorption at and emission at , both within the NIR range. As shown in Fig. 2, this method has several distinct advantages. First, the reaction condition is very mild. It can be carried out in weak base (picoline, dimethylminopyridine) at warm temperatures instead of at in a much stronger base (sodium alcoholate), as is commonly used for the preparation of Pc derivatives. Second, the starting material, , is commercially available and consists of four lipophilic and bulky t-butyl groups at the peripheral position of the Pc macrocycle, further increasing its lipophilicity. Finally, the bisoleate anchor (BOA) is known to strongly associate with the lipid membrane, a characteristic similar to that of the cholesterol moiety. Therefore, for Pc LDL reconstitution, we expect that the bisoleate anchor will be an enhancement over the corresponding cholesterol oleate moiety. 3.2.LDL Reconstitution and CharacterizationProtein recovery determined by the Lowry method17 is an excellent assay for evaluating the success of the reconstitution. 55 to 70% protein recovery was observed for both r-SiPcBOA-LDL and r-SiPcBOA-AcLDL, which is better than that observed for r-Pyro-CE-LDL.10 The absorption spectrum for the recovered SiPcBOA after LDL reconstitution is the same as it was before reconstitution, indicating that absorbance measurement can serve as the basis for calculating the SiPcBOA concentration in the reconstituted LDL (payload). It was found that to 3500 SiPc-BOA molecules were reconstituted into one LDL molecule core. Compared to the 50:1 probe:protein ratio for r-Pyro-CE-LDL we prepared previously, the new probe design reported here improved probe payload on each LDL nanoparticle by 60 fold. 3.3.Confocal Microscopy Studies of the LDLR-Specific UptakeTo visualize LDLR-mediated internalization of r-SiPcBOA-LDL, we performed laser scanning confocal microscopy studies on tumor cells. Figure 4 shows the confocal fluorescence images of cells incubated with/without fluorescent probe (B, D, F, H, J) as well as corresponding bright field images (A, C, E, G, I). Figures 4(a) and 4(b) depict images of the cell alone, providing values for the fluorescence of the cells. When cells were incubated with r-SiPcBOA-LDL protein at for , the fluorescence signal appears to be localized in the cytoplasm [Figs. 4(c) and 4(d)]. To determine the specificity of this r-SiPcBOA-LDL toward LDLR, three sets of control experiments were performed. When cells were incubated with r-SiPcBOA-LDL protein plus 50-fold excess of unlabeled native LDL, complete fluorescence inhibition was observed [Figs. 4(e) and 4(f)]. When r-SiPcBOA-AcLDL protein was incubated with cells, despite the fact that the fluorophore concentration doubled, no fluorescence was observed. This is consistent with the inability of Ac-LDL to target LDLR [Figs. 4(g) and 4(h)]. Figures 4(i) and 4(j) show that incubation with SiPcBOA alone (equivalent to r-SiPcBOA-LDL protein) did not lead to any observable fluorescence, indicating that no internalization occurred. Collectively, the previous experiments indicate that r-SiPcBOA-LDL was internalized into tumor cells specifically via the LDL receptor pathway. Fig. 4Confocal fluorescence images of cells incubated w/wt fluorescent probes [(b), (d), (f), (h), (j)] as well as the corresponding bright field images [(a), (c), (e), (g), (i)]. (a) and (b) Cell alone control; (c) and (d) r-SiPcBOA-LDL protein; (e) and (f) r-SiPcBOA-LDL protein -fold over excess native LDL; (g) and (h) r-SiPcBOA-AcLDL protein; (i) and (j) SiPcBOA (same amount of SiPcBOA as in r-SiPcBOA-LDL protein). ![]() 3.4.Electron Microscopy StudiesA light scattering size scanner was originally used to measure the size of the SiPcBOA reconstituted LDL particle. However, we found that Pc absorption interferes with the laser wavelength used by the scanner; therefore, electron microscopy was used to directly visualize the LDL particles. As shown in Fig. 5 , the mean particle size of r-SiPcBOA-LDL was , which is about the same size as native LDL . 3.5.In Vitro PDT Studies (Clonogenic Assay)Figure 6 shows the in vitro PDT response of cells to r-SiPcBOA-LDL and SiPcBOA using a clonogenic assay. At a dose of 4 and , there was significantly more cell kill with r-SiPcBOA-LDL protein (equivalent to SiPcBOA) than with SiPcBOA [ , , and , , respectively]. At the drug dose used, SiPcBOA induced limited cell kill, even at the highest light dose tested. Conversely, when r-SiPcBOA-LDL was used as a photosensitizer, increasing cell kill was detected with increasing light dose. The slopes of the linear regression fit to the logarithmic data for these two plots are significantly different from each other , indicating greatly enhanced efficacy of LDLR-targeted PDT in an LDLR-overexpressing cell line. Light and drug alone controls for both the free and conjugated photosensitizer show no difference compared to untreated controls. Currently, Pc4 is a leading phthalocyanine-based photosensitizer candidate for PDT.18 Compared to Pc4, our r-SiPcBOA-LDL nanoparticle requires a higher effective photosensitizer concentration for PDT-mediated cell kill. However, Pc4 is not a target-specific photosensitizer, whereas our agent is highly tumor-specific in cells overexpressing LDLR. Since many cancer cells overexpress LDLR, we anticipate these novel nanoparticles can serve as a useful discriminatory vehicle for the delivery of PDT agents to tumor cells. 4.ConclusionIn conclusion, a new photosensitizer, SiPcBOA, is synthesized and successfully reconstituted into the LDL lipid core with very high payloads (3000 to 3500 probe per LDL molecule), and such payload has no effect on the mean particle size of the LDL nanoparticles. It is found that r-SiPcBOA-LDL internalization into tumor cells is exclusively mediated by LDLR, as indicated by laser scanning confocal microscopy. Moreover, the clonogenic assay demonstrates that r-SiPcBOA-LDL is an effective PDT agent for LDLR overexpressing tumor cells. These data suggest that r-SiPcBOA-LDL can be used as a targeted NIR optical imaging and PDT agent for cancers overexpressing LDLR. AcknowledgmentThis work was supported by NIH grant N01CO37119 (GZ) and a 2002 Radiological Society of North America Seed Grant (GZ). 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