Open Access
4 August 2015 Hourly turbidity monitoring using Geostationary Ocean Color Imager fluorescence bands
Ruhul Amin, Igor Shulman
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The Geostationary Ocean Color imager (GOCI) is the first geostationary ocean color satellite sensor that collects hourly images eight times per day during daylight. This high frequency image acquisition makes it possible to study more detailed dynamics of red tide blooms, sediment plumes, and colored dissolved organic matter plumes, and can aid in the prediction of biophysical phenomena. We apply the red band difference and the fluorescence line height algorithms to GOCI imagery to separate waters with high algal and nonalgal particles and validate the results with the MODIS imagery. We also track optical features using hourly GOCI imagery and assess their movement through comparisons with predicted ocean currents derived from the navy coastal ocean model and tidal data.
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Ruhul Amin and Igor Shulman "Hourly turbidity monitoring using Geostationary Ocean Color Imager fluorescence bands," Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 9(1), 096024 (4 August 2015).
Published: 4 August 2015 Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.

Data modeling

Imaging systems


Coastal modeling

Atmospheric corrections


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