NASA is studying a possible starshade flying in formation with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (Roman). The starshade would perform weeks-long translational retargeting maneuvers between target stars. A retargeting architecture that is based on chemical propulsion and does not require ground tracking or interactions with the telescope during the retargeting cruise is introduced. Feasibility is demonstrated through a covariance analysis of the starshade-telescope relative position over several weeks using realistic sensor and actuator assumptions. Performance is sufficient for Roman to reacquire the starshade after retargeting, and the architecture is shown to be applicable to other mission concepts such as the Habitable Exoplanet Observatory (HabEx). Results are verified through high-fidelity simulations, and driving sources of uncertainty are identified to confirm the robustness of the approach. |
1.Introduction1.1.StarshadesStarshades – large, precisely shaped, external occulters flying in formation with a telescope – offer a path to direct observation and spectroscopic characterization of Earth-like exoplanets (e.g. Refs. 12.3.–4). Historical perspectives on starshades are included in Refs. 3 and 5. In the 2000s, flagship-class starshade missions were proposed (e.g., Refs. 6 and 7). In this decade, NASA starshade studies included both a Probe-class mission with a 20- to 30-m-diameter starshade that could rendezvous and operate with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (“Roman,” see Refs. 1, 8, and 9) and a flagship-class mission, the Habitable Exoplanet Observatory (“HabEx,” see Refs. 10 and 11) with a 52-m-diameter starshade. A proposed operational concept for these missions, similar to Refs. 9 and 1213.14.–15 and shown in Fig. 1, would proceed as follows. First, the space telescope and the starshade spacecraft are inserted in similar quasi-halo orbits around the Second Sun-Earth Lagrange point (SEL2) using ground-based orbit determination (OD). After this initialization phase, a series of observations is performed by cycling through acquisition, science, and retargeting phases. The purpose of the acquisition phase is to align the starshade with respect to the telescope-star axis with sufficient precision to begin science observations. It includes handovers between three coboresighted telescope sensors with an increasingly fine resolution and narrow field of view (FOV): a coarse sensor (CS), an intermediate sensor (IS), and a fine sensor (FS). During the science phase, the two spacecraft are separated by tens of thousands of kilometers. Using FS measurements, the starshade uses its thrusters to maintain its meter-level alignment between the telescope and the star, for instance, as demonstrated in Refs. 12 and 15. At the end of the science phase, the starshade performs a retargeting maneuver to roughly position itself at the desired starshade-telescope distance in line with the next target star, as shown in Fig. 2. A new acquisition phase begins once the telescope reacquires the starshade with the CS at the end of of the retargeting cruise. 1.2.Starshade RetargetingIn this article, a guidance, navigation, and control achitecture is proposed for the retargeting phase, and its feasibility is demonstrated. For current starshade concepts (e.g., Refs. 9 and 11), the retargeting cruise can last several weeks, with initial as large as tens of meters-per-second. At the end of the cruise, position control of the starshade relative to the telescope must be sufficiently precise to ensure the starshade can be reacquired by the telescope’s CS. The CS must also have sufficient resolution to hand over to the IS with its arcsecond-level FOV. As a result, a key constraint is that retargeting must be consistent with a degree-level CS FOV. Apart from preliminary analyses such as Refs. 16 and 17, most previous approaches for retargeting are based on starshades with solar-electric propulsion (SEP) in an effort to reduce propellant mass and increase mission duration (e.g., Refs. 7, 8, 18 to 22). However, chemical propulsion (CP) is still likely required for starshade science as light emitted by continuously firing electric thrusters or sunlight reflected off their plumes could degrade observations. Relying on SEP for retargeting is therefore likely to lead to spacecraft designs with dual propulsion systems. In addition, high-power SEP systems require the starshade spacecraft to be fitted with significantly larger solar panels than for a CP-only design. Finally, measuring and correcting the low thrust of SEP with commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) on-board accelerometers with sufficient precision for reacquisition could be challenging. It might instead require comparatively expensive science-grade accelerometers or intermittent measurements of the starshade position from the ground, as in the Telescope for Habitable Exoplanets and Interstellar/Intergalactic Astronomy flagship study (THEIA, e.g., see Ref. 7). Alternatively, telescope operations could be interrupted at regular intervals during the cruise to acquire the starshade and measure its relative position, for instance, as in the Exo-S study (Ref. 8) or the New Worlds Observer concept (NWO, e.g., see Ref. 23). 1.3.Proposed Retargeting ArchitectureIn this article, a relatively less complex and inexpensive retargeting architecture is proposed, analyzed, and shown to be feasible. It consists of using only CP and a set of COTS accelerometers to perform an actively controlled retargeting maneuver, followed by a passive cruise until reacquisition with the CS. Using an array of COTS accelerometers enables precise knowledge and therefore execution of the initial retargeting . No additional SEP system is needed. Although a CP-only design is expected to have a higher propellant mass, this increase is partially offset by avoiding the need to carry an SEP system and the solar arrays to provide power for it (e.g., see Ref. 11). In addition, no science-grade accelerometers or intermittent sensor contacts from either the ground or the telescope are needed. Finally, the telescope does not need to perform a search with the CS at the end of the cruise: it is able to remain pointed at the star while its CS reacquires a starshade laser beacon (see Sec. 2 and, e.g., Ref. 14 for further details regarding relative bearing sensor concepts). These operational features could significantly reduce mission cost and complexity. The feasibility of the proposed concept is demonstrated with a computationally efficient covariance propagation framework. This analytical approach evaluates the statistics of the retargeting error as well as its sensitivity to both nominal model parameters and uncertainty assumptions. Further insights into the error growth mechanisms are also provided, confirming the robustness of the retargeting architecture. Similar covariance analyses have been used in many prior studies for applications such as mission planning (Ref. 24), navigation (Refs. 25 and 26), descent and landing (Refs. 27 and 28), powered ascent (Ref. 29), and rendezvous and proximity operations (Refs. 30 and 31). In this article, the analysis is applied to both Roman-starshade and HabEx-starshade scenarios as representative examples. The results of these analyses show that in both cases a CS with a degree-level FOV is sufficient for reacquisition when using this CP-only retargeting architecture. This article is structured as follows. In Sec. 2, based on the CP-only retargeting architecture and study of a possible starshade for Roman, a representative concept of operations (ConOps) for retargeting is described in detail. In Sec. 3, the covariance propagation framework is introduced. In Sec. 4, the framework is applied to the proposed retargeting concept for a Roman-starshade scenario, and the predictions are verified with Monte Carlo simulations for two stressing reference trajectories. A preliminary assessment is also conducted for a HabEx-starshade scenario. In Sec. 5, the error growth mechanisms are analyzed, and sensitivities to both nominal model parameters and uncertainty assumptions are computed. Finally, the conclusions of the work are given in Sec. 6. Some of the results presented in this article were also published in conference proceedings (Ref. 32). 2.Representative ConOps for CP-Only ArchitectureIn this section, a representative ConOps for CP-only retargeting, believed to be viable for starshades operating with Roman and HabEx, is described in detail. The main steps are summarized in Fig. 3, and key actuators and sensors are listed in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1Representative starshade actuators and sensors used during retargeting.
Table 2Representative telescope actuators and sensors used during retargeting.
2.1.Retargeting Initiation ()At the end of the science phase (), the two spacecraft are separated by tens of thousands of kilometers. The telescope has ended its starshade science observations and is pointing to the target star. Its absolute position is tracked at regular time intervals from the ground, and it performs monthly trajectory correction maneuvers (TCMs) to maintain its trajectory along its quasi-halo orbit. Starshade TCMs, performed with the starshade reaction control system (RCS) thrusters, are nominally identical to and synchronized with the telescope TCMs. The starshade is spin-stabilized during the science phase and remains spin-stabilized throughout the retargeting phase (although the approach described here is expected to also apply to a three-axis stabilized starshade). Internal disturbances, solar radiation pressure (SRP) torque, and gravity gradient torques are sufficiently small not to require pointing maintenance maneuvers during the retargeting cruise. The position of the starshade along the telescope-star axis, referred to as the relative longitudinal position, is measured by radio frequency ranging, using S-band systems installed on the two spacecraft. The FS is used to measure the relative lateral position (i.e., across the telescope-star axis) during the science phase and is still active at (e.g., see Refs. 12 and 15). In this article, slews refer to pure spacecraft rotations. Between and , the telescope slews with its reaction wheels and begins performing nonstarshade science. The starshade slews using its RCS thrusters to point its main thrusters in the retargeting burn direction, while remaining spin-stabilized and interrupting S-band and FS measurements. The main retargeting burn is performed with the starshade main thrusters to improve fuel efficiency by avoiding cosine losses. RCS thrusters and accelerometers are used in a closed loop during the main burn to reduce the execution error. A second slew is then performed to orient the starshade in the desired direction for the cruise. Finally, an open-loop burn is performed with RCS thrusters to correct remaining residuals measured with the accelerometers during the two slews and the main retargeting burn. Detailed modeling of these retargeting initiation maneuvers is included in Appendix A. 2.2.Cruise ()At , the telescope is performing nonstarshade science and the starshade is spin-stabilized and pointing in the chosen cruise direction. A maximum cruise duration of 3 weeks is considered representative, and some results are given for a cruise of up to 4 weeks. Nominally, no starshade thruster firings occur during the cruise except to potentially match a telescope TCM. For Roman, telescope reaction wheel desaturation maneuvers (desats) occur every 4 days (subject to change). To prepare for reacquisition, the telescope ends nonstarshade science and slews with reaction wheels to point to the new starshade science target star. It then sets up its optical configuration for starshade acquisition and science. This procedure is done sufficiently early in the cruise to allow for thermal settling before reacquisition. 2.3.Reacquisition ()At , the telescope is pointing to the new target star. When the starshade reaches the desired position relative to the telescope to initiate reacquisition, it slews using RCS thrusters toward the deceleration burn direction and uses its main thrusters to perform its main deceleration burn. It then slews with RCS thrusters to point to the target star, thus reestablishing S-band communications and relative longitudinal position sensing. It also turns on its laser beacon to enable reacquisition. The telescope turns on the CS, which finds both the target star and the starshade laser beacon. At , the starshade starts receiving relative bearing measurements from the CS, and the coarse acquisition phase begins. 3.Covariance Analysis FrameworkIn this section, the covariance propagation framework used to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed CP-only retargeting architecture is described. 3.1.Notation and Problem DefinitionIn the following paragraphs, the problem definition is stated and key notation, shown in Figure 4, is introduced. Initial time corresponds to the start of the cruise and is indicated with a “0” subscript. During reacquisition (), the maneuvers that the starshade performs take place shortly before the CS finds the starshade beacon. Their influence on the relative position dispersion is therefore small. As a result, the final time corresponds to the end of the cruise phase () and is indicated with an “” subscript. The telescope and starshade absolute positions, expressed in an inertial reference frame, are and , respectively, where represents time. The relative position of the starshade with respect to the telescope is . Scalars such as vector norms are denoted in roman italic font; for instance, . Unit vectors are denoted with a “hat”; for instance, . Time derivatives are indicated with a “dot”; for instance, . The matrix is an identity matrix, and the matrix is an zero matrix. The subscript is omitted for square matrices (). The nominal value of a variable corresponds to its current best estimate (CBE). In some cases, the nominal values are obtained from a combination of measurements, estimation, and propagation; in others, they are known by design (e.g., commanded values of ). The error in a variable’s value, denoted with a “,” is the difference between the true value, denoted with an asterisk, and the nominal value of the variable. For instance, the relative position error is . As such, the true values are random variables, and unless specified otherwise, their expected value is equal to their nominal value; for instance, . Covariance matrices thus represent the spread of possible true values about the nominal value. For example, the covariance matrix of the relative position error is , where † is the Hermitian transpose operation. For the proposed architecture to be feasible, it is not sufficient to bound the final relative position knowledge error: the final retargeting error itself must be sufficiently small. In addition, for infinitely far target stars, the ability to successfully reacquire only depends on the relative position error at the end of the cruise . It does not depend on the final absolute position of the telescope and starshade explicitly. However, they must be considered in the analysis because the growth of during the cruise does depend on the absolute position errors, as discussed below. 3.2.Sources of UncertaintyIn this section, the sources of uncertainty included in the analysis are described. At the start of the cruise, when , the errors in the initial telescope, starshade, and relative states are , , and . respectively. First, the initial state errors are subject to the guidance error. This error source appears because the commanded retargeting burn is designed based on the nominal system state at the end of the science phase (i.e., when ). However, because of the knowledge error in the true absolute and relative states at , the designed burn is not perfect in general. Even in the absence of all other sources of uncertainty described in this section, there would still be a nonzero guidance error. Second, the initial state errors are affected by residuals from the main starshade retargeting burn. Third, a TCM is conservatively assumed to occur at to maximize the propagation time of associated burn residuals. Additional TCMs could also be addressed, but they are only expected at a monthly cadence. During the cruise, when , these initial state errors propagate through SEL2 gravity gradients. In addition, the growth of telescope, starshade, and relative state errors, given by , , and , respectively, is further exacerbated by residuals from telescope desats and uncertainty in SRP acceleration. The relative SRP acceleration uncertainty is . All sources of uncertainty that contribute to the final relative position dispersion are listed in Table 3 and shown in Fig. 5. The numerical values in the table are representative of a Roman-starshade scenario and are discussed in Sec. 4. Table 3Retargeting sources of uncertainty.
3.3.Error Dynamics FormulationHaving listed the relevant sources of uncertainty, the linearized error dynamics are derived in Sec. 3.4 using the approach described in this section. In particular, three distinct features of the error dynamics formulation are highlighted. The first feature is that error dynamics are linearized about given absolute trajectories for both the telescope and the starshade, and , respectively. Note that a given relative trajectory for the starshade, , such that could also be used. An absolute trajectory is chosen here for clarity and convenience. Whereas absolute position errors of 100s of kilometers are expected, SEL2 is more than 1,000,000 km from the Earth and Moon. For both spacecraft, the choice to linearize about and is therefore justified, and the validity of the approach is further confirmed via Monte Carlo simulations in Sec. 4. The major advantage of this approach is that the accuracy is effectively independent of the telescope–starshade distance. As a result, this covariance propagation framework is broadly applicable for retargeting analyses. An alternative would be to linearize both the telescope true position and starshade true position about the telescope reference trajectory as in Ref. 36. However, the telescope–starshade distance can be close to a 100,000 km, so the linearization errors may not be negligible in this case. Thus, starting from the nominal initial state vectors (at ), telescope and starshade absolute positions and are propagated and stored for using a fixed time-step fifth-order Runge–Kutta ordinary differential equation solver. This solver was validated against MONTE simulations37 (MONTE is the JPL’s high-fidelity mission design tool, validated operationally on several NASA deep space missions, including Cassini, Mars Science Laboratory, and Juno) and used in Ref. 12. This MATLAB®-based environment propagates the position of a telescope and a starshade spacecraft in three-dimensional space, under the influence of the gravity from the Earth, Sun, Moon, and SRP. Rather than exactly matching a particular Design Reference Mission (DRM), trajectories representative of a Roman-starshade scenario (Ref. 9) that stress the feasibility of reacquisition are sought. The chosen reference trajectories are described and discussed in Sec. 4.3. The second feature is that after linearization about and , the equations are reformulated to be explicit in the dynamics of the relative state error, . This reformulation has two objectives. First, the final relative retargeting error is what determines the feasibility of the retargeting architecture. Therefore, it is sensible to propagate its covariance directly rather than that of . Second, integrating directly instead of takes advantage of the fact that at , the relative position errors () are orders of magnitude smaller than the absolute position errors (). The final feature is that the chosen formulation shows that the growth in is relatively insensitive to the absolute telescope position errors. Specifically, only appears as a second-order error in the gravity-gradient: compare the absolute position errors of 100s of kilometers with a distance of more than 1,000,000 km from SEL2 to the Earth and Moon. 3.4.Error Dynamics DerivationThe dynamics of the telescope position error , once linearized about its reference trajectory , can be shown to be (e.g., Ref. 38): where is the telescope SRP acceleration error and is the vector from the ’th gravitational body with gravitational constant to the telescope, computed from the stored reference absolute trajectory . An analogous equation is written for the starshade, leading to . The linearized relative error dynamics are thus Although the dependence on is not shown explicitly in the equations above for readability, and are time-varying matrices. They are functions of the absolute nominal positions at time of the two spacecraft as they travel along their reference trajectories.In addition, the telescope performs desats at fixed time intervals . The residuals from these maneuvers are modeled as acceleration error impulses, leading to the following state-space system: where In Eq. (3), and remain constant. These SRP uncertainty terms are included in the state rather than added as an external input for mathematical convenience. Equation (3) is in the standard continuous linear time varying state-space form: where is the state vector, is the state disturbance vector, is the state matrix, and is the state disturbance matrix. The disturbances are trains of vector impulses taking place at constant time intervals , conservatively starting at . The components of each impulse vector in the train are zero-mean normally distributed uncorrelated random variables, such that the vector covariance matrix is .Once discretized, the dynamics become Here, is the discretized state vector and is the discretized state transition matrix, where is the time step and . The discretized state disturbance vector is a train of regularly spaced pulses. The components of each pulse vector in the train are zero-mean normally distributed uncorrelated random variables, such that the vector covariance matrix is again . Because of the impulsive nature of the inputs, the discretized state disturbance matrix can be shown to be .3.5.Covariance PropagationThe system output is chosen to be , where is the output matrix. The statistics of the final relative position error are thus given by the final output covariance matrix: where is the covariance matrix of the state at the end of the cruise.In this study, the following quantity is used to evaluate retargeting performance: where is the largest singular value of . Physically, the scalar is the length of the largest semi-major axis of the ellipsoid defined by (see Fig. 4). Noting that the norm follows a chi distribution rather than a normal distribution, is used to size the CS FOV. For instance, the analysis predicts that, at , the starshade will be inside a CS FOV of radius with 97.1% confidence. This confidence value corresponds to the worst-case direction, associated with , and is therefore a lower bound.Starting from the initial state covariance matrix , the final state covariance matrix is evaluated by propagating the state covariance matrix using where is the covariance matrix of : Here, if is a multiple of , and otherwise.The matrix provides the statistics of the initial state , which has the following components. Initial absolute state errors are and initial relative state errors are The associated covariance matrices are The covariance matrices of SRP uncertainties are The resulting initial state covariance matrix is4.Covariance Analysis ResultsIn this section, the framework introduced above is applied to a Roman-starshade scenario. Assumptions leading to the uncertainty values in Table 3 and to the choice of reference trajectories are first described. Corresponding covariance analysis results, including the verification of the framework accuracy through Monte Carlo simulations, are then discussed. Finally, a preliminary assessment is conducted for a HabEx-starshade scenario. 4.1.Conservatism in AssumptionsThis work focuses on introducing a covariance propagation framework for starshade retargeting that is capable of authoritatively evaluating retargeting error statistics. It also shows that, for stressing and representative parameters, including actuator and sensor performance, the proposed retargeting architecture is feasible. One of the conservative assumptions made in this article is that, even though many sources of uncertainty are anisotropic (for instance, the retargeting burn execution error, discussed in Appendix A), the uncertainty associated with the worst-case direction is applied to every axis. Some of the nominal parameters chosen in the sections below are also more conservative than expected for either a Roman or a HabEx starshade scenario. Finally, is conservatively used as the main retargeting performance metric. These simplifications reduce the number of parameters in the analysis, which allows for making bounding arguments about the retargeting error and generates valuable intuition about the system. For any specific DRM, however, the covariance propagation tool is able to incorporate the directionality associated with the initial conditions of each retargeting burn in the sequence and provide tailored retargeting performance estimates. This step will be addressed as part of future work. 4.2.Selection of Uncertainty ParametersThe standard deviations of the science-phase relative position and velocity in Table 3 are based on the expected science sensing performance for a starshade operating with Roman (e.g., Refs. 9, 12, and 15). The science-phase relative lateral sensing performance is tens of centimeters in position and millimeters per second in velocity. By contrast, the relative longitudinal sensing performance is hundreds of meters in position and centimeters per second in velocity. As discussed in Sec. 4.1, the more conservative longitudinal values are used for all axes. Based on communications with the Roman navigation team about the design of the telescope and its operations at the time of writing, the conservative estimates of , , , , and were generated (see Table 3). These values do not explicitly reflect Roman telescope requirements and are subject to change. In this analysis, the residuals from each desat are assumed to be uncorrelated. In practice, some correlation might exist if the telescope pointing direction remains fixed while performing nonstarshade-related science for a large portion of the cruise. The execution error corresponding to the starshade retargeting burns and slews is discussed in detail and evaluated in Appendix A. The starshade TCM residual uncertainty is estimated using the open-loop performance of the RCS thrusters, also discussed in Appendix A. To select , the following model for the SRP acceleration due to a Sun-facing specularly reflective plate of surface area error is used (e.g., Refs. 39 and 40): . Here, is the unit vector pointing from the Sun to the spacecraft, is the solar flux at a given distance between the spacecraft and the Sun, is the spacecraft mass, and is the speed of light in vacuum. As , , and are approximately constant during the cruise, is the only independent variable. Its standard deviation, denoted , thus provides an intuitive means of estimating representative SRP uncertainty magnitudes. In this analysis, the cruise is performed with the starshade facing the Sun. In practice, the cruise attitude would be determined by a system trade including, e.g., power, thermal, SRP, micrometeorites, and communications considerations. For a Roman starshade (Ref. 9), the full starshade frontal area is . Despite its size, the starshade frontal area is precisely characterized for science purposes. Extensive in-orbit calibrations may also be performed on the deployed starshade during commissioning as it travels from Earth to SEL2. Based on these considerations, the chosen value of corresponds to a nominal standard deviation of 0.5% of the total frontal area. This value of is conservative: for non-Sun-facing starshade cruise attitudes, it represents a larger percentage of the total Sun-facing area. 4.3.Selection of Reference TrajectoriesThe linear dynamics operators and in Eq. (4) are functions of the reference trajectories as they depend on the distances between the two spacecraft and each gravitational body at every point during the cruise. In this section, two full retargeting trajectories designed to be representative and stress the feasibility of the proposed retargeting architecture are presented. The sensitivity of the retargeting error to the nominal trajectory parameters is further discussed in Sec. 5. Several methods exist for optimizing DRMs and starshade trajectories with given initial and final conditions (e.g., Refs. 41 to 43). Because this work focuses on feasibility rather than on a specific DRM, stressing initial and desired final conditions are selected and a retargeting burn that approximately satisfies these boundary conditions is found by trial-and-error. For both reference trajectories, starting from a representative Roman trajectory provided by the Roman navigation team, the initial telescope–Earth distance is minimized ( close to 1200 Mm), and the starshade is initially positioned along the telescope–Earth axis, as close to Earth as possible: (maximum distance mentioned in Ref. 9) and . The Earth formation angle is defined as the angle between and (see Fig. 4). Although neither a Roman nor a HabEx scenario would allow for , the relative position vector has a secondary influence on the error dynamics, as discussed in Sec. 5.2.2. For this reason, is chosen for conservatism and simplicity (see Sec. 4.1). Both retargeting cruises last 3 weeks (again, consistent with Ref. 9), and both trajectories remain approximately in the plane defined by the telescope position, the Earth position, and the telescope velocity vector relative to Earth over the entire cruise. The first trajectory is a longitudinal retargeting maneuver. It is designed so that the inertial direction of the formation is approximately unchanged at the end of the cruise and the final telescope–starshade distance is . This trajectory is chosen because minimizing the final telescope–starshade distance leads to the most stringent retargeting error requirement (in kilometers) for a given CS angular FOV. The magnitude of this burn is . The starshade trajectory relative to the telescope is shown in Fig. 6(a). The second trajectory is a lateral retargeting maneuver. It is designed to lead to an retargeting angle between and , while keeping the initial and final longitudinal distance approximately constant: . This trajectory is chosen because large values of increase the retargeting error, as shown in Secs. 5.2.2 and 5.2.3. The magnitude of this burn is . The starshade trajectory relative to the telescope is shown in Fig. 6(b), and both the telescope and starshade trajectories relative to Earth are shown in Fig. 2. 4.4.ResultsFigure 7(a) shows the evolution of as a function of the cruise duration for the two time-varying reference trajectories. It also compares them with the bounding time-invariant system defined in Sec. 5.2.4. As expected, both reference trajectories lead to slightly smaller final retargeting errors than those of the bounding model. In addition, the value of for the two reference trajectories is almost identical for all cruise durations. In Sec. 5, it is shown that does not have a significant effect on the error dynamics. This finding is consistent with Fig. 7(a), in which the only difference between the longitudinal and lateral retargeting maneuvers is the evolution of during the cruise. These covariance propagation predictions were also verified by running 5000 Monte Carlo simulations for each trajectory. These simulations use the high-fidelity nonlinear solver described in Sec. 3.4 to propagate the telescope and starshade absolute positions. In the inset of Fig. 2, the cloud of vectors computed with Monte Carlo simulations for lateral retargeting is compared with the retargeting error ellipsoid predicted by the covariance analysis. The value of as a function of is shown for a subset of the longitudinal-retargeting-trajectory simulations in Fig. 7(a). The difference between the value predicted by the covariance analysis and the value computed from the Monte Carlo sample covariance matrix is shown in Fig. 7(b) for the two trajectories. It is found to remain within 3% for all values in both cases. Based on these results, a CS FOV of and would be required to guarantee successful reacquisition at a level at the end of the longitudinal and lateral retargeting cruises, respectively. As mentioned in Sec. 4.1, however, the conservative combinations of anisotropic sources of uncertainty were considered in the analysis, and the choice of nominal parameters and trajectories do not conform to a specific DRM. For instance, no longitudinal retargeting maneuvers are expected in the Starshade Rendezvous Probe study (Ref. 9). Nonetheless, the results presented here show that a CS with an FOV under 2° would be sufficient to enable successful retargeting even with these conservative assumptions. 4.5.Application to HabEx-Starshade ScenarioGoing further, the covariance propagation framework is applied to a HabEx-starshade scenario, using the bounding model from Sec. 5.2.4 for simplicity. As HabEx would also be flying in a quasi-halo orbit near SEL2, the Roman nominal trajectory is maintained. Based on Ref. 11, the nominal telescope–starshade distance is increased to 76 Mm. A retargeting cruise duration of 30 days is considered. The starshade SRP uncertainty is increased by a factor of 4 to reflect the fact that the HabEx starshade would have a 52-m diameter rather than a 26-m diameter. HabEx retargeting burns are also larger, and a bounding value of is considered. For a mass of 5230 kg and a main thruster force of 445 N, the analysis in Appendix A predicts an execution error standard deviation of . With these parameters, the predicted value is 3195 km or 2.41°. This preliminary assessment shows that even for a HabEx-starshade scenario, the proposed retargeting architecture is feasible with a degree-level CS FOV. 5.Sensitivity AnalysisIn this section, the retargeting performance is analyzed with simpler models of the error dynamics. The purpose is to understand analytically the contributions of both nominal parameters and sources of uncertainty to the overall retargeting error. To do so, time-invariant models of the error dynamics are constructed with increasing complexity: no gravity-gradients, constant Earth-only gradient, and constant Earth-Moon-Sun gradients. As discussed in Sec. 5.2.4, this last model, when combined with a worst-case selection of telescope and starshade positions, produces a bounding, time-invariant model that provides significant insight into the retargeting error drivers. These models and their error predictions for a representative scenario are summarized in Table 4. Table 4Summary of models. The σf values shown correspond to a 3-week cruise. For the first row, σf is approximately equal for the two retargeting trajectories. For the last two rows, r⊕=1,200 Mm, ρ=37.7 Mm, and θ⊕=0° are considered.
5.1.Retargeting Error with No Gravity GradientGravity gradients at SEL2 are significantly shallower than in low Earth orbit. The double-integrator model below is therefore examined to quantify the effect of gravity gradients on the retargeting error. Denoting variables associated with this gravity-gradient-free model with an overbar, the state matrix simplifies to and the relative position error dynamics simplify to where is the ’th desat residual impulse vector. The system dynamics are time invariant and uncoupled from the telescope absolute dynamics. These equations are also isotropic: errors grow at the same rate in all directions. The final relative position error is evaluated analytically as Over 3 weeks, the position, velocity, desat, and SRP uncertainty contributions are 167 m, 95 km, 4 km, and 66 km to , respectively. The total value of 116 km is therefore 20% smaller than the 145-km value corresponding with the full retargeting trajectories in Sec. Error with Constant Gravity GradientNext, in Sec. 5.2.1, the effect of Earth’s gravity gradient is added for constant telescope and starshade positions. As a result, the model produces the instantaneous error growth due to Earth gravity for the assumed positions. Constant positions keep the model time invariant and thus amenable to analysis. Further, as discussed in Ref. 12, Earth is the dominant influence on formation flying dynamics at a telescope-Earth distance of 1200 Mm: it is about six times more significant than the Sun and over 20 times more significant than the Moon. As the relative dominance of Earth gravity decreases for larger Earth-telescope distances, the effects of the Sun and the Moon are also included in Sec. 5.2.4. 5.2.1.Earth-gravity-only dynamical systemVariables associated with the Earth-gravity-only constant position model, and to Earth in general, are denoted with the symbol . The model is constructed by replacing and in Eq. (4) with where is the Earth gravitational constant, is the Earth-starshade vector, and is the Earth-telescope vector. With no further loss of generality, the inertial frame is centered at Earth, and its first axis is aligned with the (constant) Earth-telescope vector: and , where is a rotation matrix. The final state is , where and is time invariant.5.2.2.Sensitivity to nominal trajectory parametersIt can be shown that there does not exist a unique set of and matrices that maximizes for all matrices. Instead, contours of are shown in Fig. 8 as a function of nominal parameters and for the specific matrix defined above. Four observations are made in this paragraph and are revisited in Sec. 5.2.3. First, is maximized by small telescope–Earth distances . Second, is also maximized by small starshade–Earth distances , i.e., when and is maximized. Third, without gravity gradients, , 348, and 520 km for , 3, and 4 weeks, respectively. Comparing these values to Fig. 8 shows that the influence of gravity gradients increases with , especially for cruises longer than 2 weeks. Fourth, for given values of and (i.e., within a given contour plot in Fig. 8), changes by for all combinations of and . For reacquisition to be successful, the starshade must be in the FOV of the CS at . In Fig. 9, the same results as in Fig. 8 are plotted in terms of the angular retargeting error rather than the relative position distance error. Although it was observed above that only has a secondary influence on , the size of the FOV in kilometers scales with . As an example, Fig. 9 (bottom) predicts that reacquisition is not guaranteed at a confidence level with a CS FOV of (0.83°) for cruises of 3 weeks if . For cruises of 4 weeks, this FOV is not sufficient to guarantee reacquisition at any of the values shown in the figure. However, conservative uncertainty assumptions have been made as mentioned in Sec. 4.1. Moreover, in Figs. 8 and 9 (bottom), the value of is kept constant. At close relative ranges, the starshade has to cover smaller distances for a given retargeting angle, so 3-week cruises with large retargeting burns are unlikely. Burns of smaller magnitude correspond to smaller execution errors, as discussed in Appendix A. Figure 9 (top) therefore shows the same results for . In this case, the model predicts successful retargeting down to 26 Mm for 3-week cruises. 5.2.3.State matrix modal decompositionTo gain further insight into the system’s dynamics, the eigendecomposition of the matrix is evaluated analytically. The state matrix is , and the final state transition matrix is . Here, is ’s normalized eigenvector matrix (i.e., each eigenvector is normalized), is ’s adjoint eigenvector matrix, and is a diagonal matrix composed of ’s eigenvalues. Before normalization, the eigenvector matrix can be shown to be where and are defined as where and is a diagonal matrix whose elements that are the arguments it operates on. The corresponding eigenvalue matrix can be shown to beIn Eq. (22), the first, second, and third pairs of rows represent position, velocity, and acceleration components respectively, like the state vector in Eq. (3). The left three columns only have nonzero relative error components. Therefore, they correspond to pure starshade error dynamics. The right three columns only have equal-and-opposite absolute telescope error components and relative error components. Therefore, they correspond to pure telescope error dynamics. In general, the angle between and is small because . If holds exactly, Eq. (22) shows that the dynamics along and across the axis are entirely decoupled because and are diagonal matrices. Four of ’s eigenvalues are the real stable–unstable pairs and . The unstable eigenvalues and are maximized by minimizing and , consistent with the first and second observations from Sec. 5.2.2 respectively. The two pairs of associated eigenvectors in Eq. (22) show that these modes correspond to error growth and decay along and , i.e., the Earth-spacecraft directions. As an example, if , , and (so that ), growth/decay time constants are 16.2 and 17.0 days. These values are consistent with the third observation from Sec. 5.2.2. Next, has four pairs of purely imaginary complex-conjugate eigenvalues: and . The four pairs of associated eigenvectors in Eq. (22) show that these modes correspond to constant amplitude oscillations in the two axes normal to and the two axes normal to , respectively. With the same parameters as above, the periods of the oscillations are 144.3 and 151.4 days, i.e., much longer than the retargeting cruise duration. The final six eigenvalues have a zero growth rate. Physically, they represent the shift of the system’s equilibrium state, away from , caused by SRP uncertainty. The system is at its equilibrium when the starshade and telescope true positions are such that the gravity gradient acceleration is exactly canceled by the SRP uncertainty acceleration. Out of these 18 modes, the only 6 that depend on are for . Equation (23) shows that these eigenvalues scale with . Therefore, as , the distance is expected to have a vanishing impact on the dynamical system, as confirmed by the horizontal contour lines near in Fig. 8. For Roman-starshade parameters, the effect of is maximized when , , and , which leads to . Therefore, the fourth observation from Sec. 5.2.2 is explained by the fact that the choice of cannot change any of ’s eigenvalues by more than 5%. Although the modal decomposition above explains the trends observed in Sec. 5.2.2, it is not sufficient to fully understand the system’s dynamics. For Roman-starshade parameters, the growth of the relative position error over 4 weeks due to individual eigenmodes can be no larger than a factor of . By contrast, recalling that , Fig. 8 shows that the largest growth factor is actually . This discrepancy between modal and transient growth is explained by non-normality in the system (e.g., Ref. 44): the initial state leading to the worst-case retargeting error has components along several nonorthogonal eigenvectors that have different growth/decay rates. As a result, the output norm can temporarily grow faster than if the initial state were aligned with any individual unstable mode. Although the covariance analysis framework introduced above does output the worst-case transient output norm , its value alone does not provide insights into the mechanisms through which the retargeting error grows. To address this limitation, Appendix B shows how to compute the unique set of appropriately scaled initial conditions and disturbances (i.e., desats), collected in the vector , that lead to the worst-case output norm for given and matrices. The “angle” between two systems’ vectors therefore provides a measure of how similar the error growth mechanisms leading to are for the two systems, as illustrated in the next section. 5.2.4.Bounding modelSections 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 show that only has a secondary influence on the error dynamics and that maximizes . If and the Sun and Moon are in line with the Earth, starshade, and telescope, then , where refers to the Sun and refers to the Moon. As a result, the linear system in Eq. (21) is unmodified, except that becomes and becomes , as summarized in Table 4. Using the findings from Sec. 5.2.2, if the largest representative value of and the smallest representative values of , , and are used, this system is expected to lead to bounding transient growth for all cruise durations. This bounding model with , , and is compared with the gravity-gradient-free model in Fig. 10. While the gravity-gradient-free model is a decoupled isotropic double integrator, the bounding model is an unstable model where relative and absolute error dynamics are coupled and grow anisotropically. Thus, when weeks, the final relative position error covariance ellipsoid is a 173-km-radius sphere for the gravity-gradient-free model. By contrast, the ellipsoid dimensions are 269, 137, and 137 km for the bounding model: without gravity gradients, the retargeting error is 36% smaller along the Earth-telescope axis but 26% larger in the directions normal to it. Despite these differences, the angle between the two corresponding vectors is only 7.3° [see Fig. 10(c)]. This similarity shows that, although gravity gradients do measurably increase for cruise durations between 2 and 4 weeks, their influence is not sufficient to fundamentally change the distribution of initial conditions and disturbances that maximize it. Due to the relatively benign environment at SEL2, it takes longer cruises for the unstable modes associated with gravity gradients to dominate the dynamics. As an example, consider a cruise duration of 100 days, when is 6.5 and 6.8 times as large as the two unstable mode time constants in the bounding system. In this case, the angle between the vector of the bounding and the gravity-gradient-free system is 29.8°, indicating that different error growth mechanisms are involved. Thus, during Roman-starshade retargeting cruises, mostly grows through a double-integrator-like propagation of initial errors and disturbances, which is further exacerbated by gravity gradients. 5.2.5.Sensitivity to sources of uncertaintyIn this section, the sensitivity of to the sources of uncertainty included in the analysis is evaluated. Appendix C shows that can be formulated as the root-sum-square (RSS) of contributions due to each source of uncertainty, including desats. With this formulation, all of the contributions of can be evaluated with a single covariance propagation simulation. The relative importance of the different contributions as a function of is shown in Fig. 11 for the bounding model. The distribution of contributions after 3 weeks is also shown in Fig. 12(a). The value of is dominated by the initial relative position error for very short cruise durations. As increases beyond a few hours, the velocity errors begin to dominate. In particular, the retargeting burn execution error is the largest contributor, followed by the initial relative velocity knowledge uncertainty from the science phase. Figure 11 also shows the influence of desat residuals: the later the maneuver is triggered during the cruise, the less time its residuals have to grow. Finally, for values beyond a week, the influence of the relative position SRP uncertainty becomes considerable. For a cruise time of 3 weeks and beyond, it becomes one of the dominant contributors to the retargeting error. For all values, as expected, and each contribute of the total error. In Appendix C, it is also shown that the normalized sensitivity of to small fractional changes in individual sources of uncertainty can be expressed as the square of the corresponding normalized contribution. Figure 12(b) shows these sensitivities after a cruise of 3 weeks. It illustrates that is highly sensitive to small fractional changes in its larger contributors but is almost not sensitive at all to changes in nondominant contributors. In this case, it shows that efforts to reduce are likely to be most effective if they focus on reducing , , and . 6.ConclusionsIn this article, a retargeting architecture for a starshade flying in formation with a space telescope at Sun–Earth L2 (SEL2) is proposed and shown to be feasible. Over several weeks, the starshade travels tens of thousands of kilometers to align itself with the telescope’s next target star. It must do so with sufficient precision to be reacquired by the telescope’s dedicated coarse acquisition sensor (CS), which has a degree-level FOV. The proposed retargeting architecture uses chemical propellant only and does not require intermittent starshade position measurements either from the ground or the telescope. It hinges on the use of an array of COTS accelerometers on board the starshade spacecraft that drive down the retargeting burn execution error to a level that enables reacquisition with the CS. It is hoped that this architecture could reduce the cost and complexity of prospective starshade missions. The feasibility of the architecture is demonstrated through a verified covariance analysis framework. A CS FOV under 2° is found to be sufficient for reacquisition after 3 week retargeting maneuvers for a Roman-starshade scenario. An FOV under 3° is also found to be sufficient for a HabEx-starshade scenario. Further analysis shows that the relative position errors grow mostly through the propagation of initial state uncertainty and disturbances, which are exacerbated by SEL2 gravity gradients. With the parameter values considered in the analysis, the retargeting burn execution error, science phase relative velocity uncertainty, and starshade SRP uncertainty are found to be the largest contributors. For cruise durations beyond about 2 weeks, gravity gradients significantly increase the worst-case retargeting error. This effect is sensitive to the absolute distance between the two spacecraft and Earth. The relative position between the telescope and the starshade, however, only has a secondary influence. Overall, as might be expected, the combination of large burns, long cruise durations, and short final reacquisition ranges is most stressing to this retargeting architecture. Having developed a framework that accurately evaluates starshade retargeting error statistics and sensitivities, the next step to be addressed in future work is to apply this tool to specific starshade DRMs and generate tailored estimates of expected retargeting performance. 7.Appendix A: Retargeting Burn Execution ErrorIn this appendix, the retargeting burn execution error statistics are evaluated as a function of relevant sources of uncertainty. The model is then applied to the proposed retargeting ConOps with Roman-starshade parameters. 7.1.Burn Execution ErrorIn this section, an expression for , the inertial frame execution error due to a performed by the starshade’s main thrusters, is derived: where denotes the inertial frame quantities and and are the true and nominal (i.e., commanded) vectors, respectively. Without loss of generality, the inertial frame is defined as having its third axis aligned with the commanded burn direction: .First, an accelerometer error model is introduced, and the corresponding error vector in individual measurements is derived. The first-order effects of accelerometer noise, bias, scale factor errors, internal misalignments, known mounting misalignment, and mounting misalignment uncertainty are taken into account. Spacecraft pointing errors and spacecraft pointing uncertainty are also included. Second, an expression for the full execution error vector is derived based on this accelerometer model. As described in Sec. 2.1, the retargeting is performed with the starshade main thrusters, nominally aligned with the commanded burn direction. The RCS thrusters are used to control attitude during the burn, closing the loop on measurements from a set of accelerometers to reduce the execution error. The burn is terminated when the total estimated vector matches the commanded vector up to a given threshold. 7.1.1.Accelerometer modelThe accelerometer outputs incremental measurements at fixed time intervals . The time since the start of the burn is . The error in the ’th measurement is where and are the measured and true increment vectors, respectively.The accelerometer model derived in Ref. 45 is used to compute the error in terms of the accelerometer parameters. Markov bias, high-order bias coefficients, and all second-order error terms are considered negligible. Gravity gradient and SRP accelerations are also considered negligible compared with the acceleration due to thrusters. The resulting model is where denotes the accelerometer-frame quantities, is the internal accelerometer misalignment matrix, is the diagonal matrix of accelerometer scale factors along the accelerometer axes (assumed to span an orthogonal right-handed set), is the accelerometer noise vector, and is the accelerometer bias vector. Individual components of these four sources of uncertainty are uncorrelated and zero-mean normally distributed random variables. The associated component standard deviations are , , , and , respectively.In practice, the accelerometers are often provided as a set of four single-axis units laid out in a pyramidal configuration, which provides some averaging and redundancy. The assumption that there are three orthogonal single-axis accelerometers is thus conservative. 7.1.2.Accelerometer measurement errorThe following expression for the inertial frame incremental measurement error can be derived: where denotes the body-frame quantities. Rotation matrices are denoted, for example, by , which is the accelerometer frame to inertial frame rotation matrix. In the equation above, , , and are the pointing knowledge noise, pointing knowledge bias, and mounting misalignment uncertainty contributions, respectively. The three distinct components of each matrix are uncorrelated and zero-mean normally distributed random variables, with standard deviations of , , and , respectively. In addition, it can be shown that the effect of zero-mean but known pointing control error and known accelerometer mounting misalignments cancel to first order.7.1.3.Execution errorIn this section, an expression for the full execution error vector is derived based on the accelerometer model introduced above. Whereas the commanded burn is known on board, , the final true realized impulse, is a stochastic vector that depends on how the on-board system controls the burn execution and termination. An explicit expression for is thus derived in terms of known quantities and sources of uncertainty with known statistics using the expression for derived above. When the burn is stopped, at the final time step , the integrated accelerometer measurement is where is the measured but uncorrected control error at burn termination. Its statistics are known and depend on both the nominal burn itself and the selected burn termination criteria, discussed in Sec. 7.2.3. With this definition, the execution error can be shown to be7.1.4.Averaging multiple accelerometersThe measurement from three-axis accelerometers is computed on board and averaged to find the final acceleration measurement. The sources of uncertainty are zero-mean normally distributed random variables that depend on the accelerometer model. As a result, when several accelerometers are used, each one has different error characteristics. However, all accelerometers are subject to the same pointing knowledge error. If all accelerometers are nominally coaligned, the averaged execution error can be shown to be where the known control error does not benefit from accelerometer averaging. Rather, it is a function of the RCS control loop, as discussed in Sec. Execution Error Statistics7.2.1.Execution error covariance matrixThe execution error expectation is zero as it is a linear combination of uncorrelated zero-mean random variables. Its covariance matrix is where the statistics of each instance of , , , , and are known and fixed both in time and across accelerometers.7.2.2.Open-loop execution error componentsThe lateral and longitudinal open-loop execution errors are defined as the components of the error across and along the commanded burn direction, respectively. They are modeled as the sum of a fixed term and a proportional term: where is the commanded burn magnitude. As a result, the open-loop covariance matrix is .7.2.3.Burn termination criteriaAccelerometers and RCS thrusters are used to reduce the execution error from its open-loop value above to its closed-loop value given by Eq. (36). The covariance of this closed-loop execution error depends on the final control error term . In the longitudinal direction, the burn is terminated when the longitudinal impulse magnitude measured by the accelerometers is equal to . Assuming timing biases have been calibrated out, the resulting longitudinal control error variance is where is the burn duration and is the burn termination timing accuracy.In the lateral directions, the RCS thrusters are used to close the loop on the main thruster’s lateral execution errors, as measured with the accelerometers. This control loop is modeled by the sum of a fixed term and a residual that is a function of the control loop time constant : If , the control loop is too slow to correct open-loop residuals and tends to . Conversely, if , the control loop is effective and tends to .7.2.4.Closed-loop execution error componentsAnalytic expressions of the components of Eq. (36) are derived as follows. First, the burn termination criteria defined above are applied to the lateral and longitudinal components of . Second, Eq. (36) is rewritten in terms of and instead of by expressing , , , and in terms of their continuous-time equivalents, denoted with an overbar. Third, depends on the orientation of the accelerometer axes with respect to the nominal burn direction. It is diagonal if accelerometers axes are equidistant from the burn direction such that . It is also diagonal if one axis is aligned with the burn such that . In these two cases, the lateral and longitudinal components are expressed as where in the equidistant case and and in the aligned case.7.3.Application to Roman-Starshade Scenario7.3.1.Retargeting burn approachIn this section, the execution error model derived above is applied to the Roman-starshade retargeting burn ConOps described in Sec. 2.1. The on-board accelerometers are used both during the main burn and during the two slews to measure residual (only while thrusters are firing). The total measured slew residual standard deviation is per axis. In addition, the measurement error of the slews is . The variances of the lateral and longitudinal components of the open-loop RCS correction burn are modeled as After the correction burn is applied, the net execution error is evaluated by replacing and in Eq. (44) and Eq. (45) by and , respectively, and adding in a further contribution to each axis. 7.3.2.Parameter selectionA spacecraft mass of 1200 kg and four 22 N thrusters are considered. The performance of COTS and flight qualified sensors and actuators is assumed, as summarized in Tables 1, 2, and 5. In Table 5, the value of assumes that the accelerometer bias has been calibrated in flight before the retargeting burn takes place. One calibration strategy is to measure the SRP acceleration acting on the precisely characterized starshade surface area. Depending on the surface properties and propellant mass at the time of calibration, the SRP acceleration is expected to be at most . A conservative value of is thus used. The values of , , , and are consistent with flight projects such as Mars Science Laboratory and Europa Clipper. The value of is based on the order-of-magnitude approximations for a burn performed with a technique similar to Ref. 46, and the value of was generated using the accelerometer model described in this section. In practice, for small burns, the model-based estimation of the execution error may be used if it is found to outperform accelerometer-based estimation. Table 5Uncertainty parameters for retargeting burn execution error.
7.3.3.ResultsFigure 13 shows the execution error and its components as a function of the nominal burn magnitude for accelerometers axes that are equidistant from the burn direction. The lateral component of the error is larger than the longitudinal component, which is mostly due to the uncorrected control error, and remains approximately constant at about . The largest contributions to the lateral execution error are the uncorrected control error after the correction burn and the accelerometer mounting and internal misalignments. For nominal burn magnitudes around , the total execution error standard deviation is below . This value is therefore used in the covariance analysis above, unless specified otherwise. 8.Appendix B: Comparing Output Norms of LTI Systems8.1.LTI Systems Without InputsIn this section, a framework for comparing output norms of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, regardless of diagonalizability and stability is introduced. The systems being compared must have no external inputs such that . This assumption is relaxed in Sec. 8.2. They must also have the same state vector and the same output matrix , but potentially different state matrices and initial state covariance matrices . The final output norm of such LTI systems is . It is common for individual states within not to have the same units or nominal magnitudes (e.g., absolute versus relative position or position versus acceleration). For such systems, finding the initial state that maximizes while constraining the unweighted initial state norm may not be physically meaningful. Without a scaling matrix, this inner-product not only gives more weight to state variables with values that are naturally larger but may also sum quantities that have different physical units. The inner-product can be made physically meaningful by changing the system coordinates using . Using the initial covariance matrix, state variables can be expressed in terms of their likelihood. Here, the likelihood of a scalar initial state with standard deviation is defined as . In general, the initial state likelihood is given by . Here, is the initial state likelihood vector and is found from the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the initial covariance matrix: . The following are then defined: and so that . The transformed system dynamics are , where and the output is unchanged. In the transformed coordinates, the initial state covariance matrix is the identity matrix and inner-products are now physically meaningful: is the total likelihood of the state and is the “angle” between likelihood states and . Using this coordinate transformation, the initial state that maximizes the final output norm , subject to is sought: where is the SVD of . Each column of the unitary matrix corresponds to a normalized initial state . Setting leads to a final state with an output that is aligned with the ’th largest semimajor axis of the final output covariance matrix ellipsoid, . The corresponding output norm given by the ’th singular value in , i.e., , is the length of the corresponding semimajor axis. Consequently, the maximum final output norm is the first singular value , corresponding to and the initial state .The maximum final output norm can also be evaluated from covariance propagation: the final output covariance matrix is and its largest singular value is thus also . However, covariance propagation does not provide information about the initial state that leads to this maximum final output norm. 8.2.LTI Systems with Impulsive InputsThis section focuses on LTI systems with a known number of impulsive disturbances with covariance matrices , taking place at , where . For such systems, the framework defined above is applied by writing the final output as where and . The initial augmented covariance matrix is where and is identified using SVD as before. The initial augmented likelihood state is , and the augmented initial state is .Using the procedure from Sec. 8.1, the value of , i.e., the maximum output norm of subject to , is the first singular value of . The vector , given by the first right singular vector of , is the distribution of both initial uncertainties and impulsive disturbances that leads to . 9.Appendix C: LTI System Output Norm SensitivityThe initial covariance matrix can be decomposed in the same way as the disturbance covariance matrices in Sec. 8.2, by defining the block diagonal matrix such that , where is the corresponding matrix of coefficients that establish how the input sources of uncertainty are correlated to form . Similarly, the full augmented initial covariance matrix is expressed as . Here, is a diagonal matrix with elements that are the variances of the initial state and impulsive disturbances, and is the corresponding augmented coefficient matrix. The number of elements in and columns in is the sum of the number of impulsive disturbances and the number of terms in , defined in Eq. (50).Using this notation, it can be shown that the worst-case final relative position error for unity norm is the RSS of the contributions from each of the sources of uncertainty in the system: where and is the first singular vector of . Normalizing leads to .Similarly, the normalized sensitivity of to each term is given by the square of the corresponding normalized contribution: As above, holds. The interpretation of this equation is that, if each term changes by a small amount and becomes , then becomes , whereAcknowledgmentsThe research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004) © 2020. All rights reserved. California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged. ReferencesS. Seager et al.,
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