Laser induced forward transfer (LIFT) is collecting much attention as a nozzle-free, cost-saving and resource-saving printing technology, and LIFT bioprinting has been widely studied to avoid all nozzle-associated negative effects, such as a narrow bioink viscosity range, low spatial resolution and a fairly low cell viability.
We have discovered that an optical vortex pulse can twist an irradiated material to eject and propel a picoliter-scale spinning microdroplet of the material with a straight flight. This optical vortex laser-induced forward transfer (OV-LIFT) offers a new direct-print technology with ultrahigh spatial resolution.
In this presentation, we review the research achievements of OV-LIFT and address the OV-LIFT bioprinting, which enables the direct print of living cells (cyanobacteria cells) colloidal suspension with a high spatial resolution and high cell viability.
Such OV-LIFT bioprinting will also offer new research opportunities to fabricate freeform cell scaffolds towards the bio-solar cells technologies and tissues engineering.