5 October 2023 Correlative multiscale chemical and elemental nano-imaging of morphology and disorder at organic-inorganic interfaces in biomineralization
Brian O'Callahan, Amy Larson, Sarah Leichty, John Cliff, Alex Gagnon, Markus Raschke
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The difficulties identifying the underlying mechanisms in biomineralization are compounded by the lack of imaging techniques which simultaneously provide the desired chemical and elemental sensitivity to both identify sparse nanoscale organics and inorganic crystal structure across a large field of view. Here, we combine nanoscale secondary ion mass spectroscopy (nano-SIMS) and infrared scattering-scanning near-field optical microscopy (IR s-SNOM) to gain simultaneous elemental and chemical nano-images across 10’s of micrometer scales. We map the loss of order within the biomineralized material to gain insight in its formation processes whereby amorphous phases assemble into well-ordered macrostructures.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Brian O'Callahan, Amy Larson, Sarah Leichty, John Cliff, Alex Gagnon, and Markus Raschke "Correlative multiscale chemical and elemental nano-imaging of morphology and disorder at organic-inorganic interfaces in biomineralization", Proc. SPIE PC12654, Enhanced Spectroscopies and Nanoimaging 2023, PC1265410 (5 October 2023);

Diseases and disorders


Chemical analysis


Imaging systems

Infrared imaging

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