5 October 2023 Assymetric absorption in plasmonic based grating for visible and infrared frequencies
Miriele Carvalho Paim, Vitaly F. Rodriguez-Esquerre
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Plasmonic devices exhibiting asymmetric responses depending on the propagation direction of the incident wave have attracted great attention due to the variety of optical applications. Such structures allow adapted electromagnetic responses with large additional degrees of freedom. Here, we proposed and numerically demonstrated that asymmetric electromagnetic response can be realized in a plasmonic structure. The proposed plasmonic device is composed of a periodical grating of metallic rotated elements embedded in a continuous dielectric medium, we consider incident waves propagating in opposed directions and we show asymmetric behavior for the absorption and reflection and they can be controlled by adjusting the optical and geometric parameters of the metallic element as well as their rotation. Asymmetric values of absorption and reflection with values higher than 80% of asymmetry can be obtained. The structure shown here can be used as absorber or mirrors for visible and infrared radiation.
Conference Presentation
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Miriele Carvalho Paim and Vitaly F. Rodriguez-Esquerre "Assymetric absorption in plasmonic based grating for visible and infrared frequencies", Proc. SPIE PC12648, Plasmonics: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications XXI, PC126480Z (5 October 2023);

Infrared radiation

Visible radiation

Light absorption

Optical gratings


Optical components

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