17 March 2023 Temporal properties od THz frequency combs quantum cascade lasers in ridge and ring resonators
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We investigate quantum cascade lasers emitting in the THz range based on a new, planarized waveguide platform. We measure temporal intensity profile by means of Shifted Wave Interference Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (SWIFTs) of both Fabry-Pérot and ring resonators. We observe a variety of phemomena varying the amount of microwave injected in the laser cavities. In Fabry-Pèrot devices we observe transition from FM comb behaviour to AM with pulses formation as short as 4.4 ps. Additionally, we measure with SWIFTS fundamental as well as harmonic comb states under RF injection. In the case of the ring lasers, we fabricate devices displaying spectrally dependent dispersion. We observe hysterical behaviour of the lasing spectra as a function of the RF power. In the case of very weak RF injection, we observe pulses and spectral envelopes well fitted by a sech^2 profile corresponding to anomalous dispersion region, hinting at the presence of solitons.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Giacomo Scalari, Paolo Micheletti, Urban Senica, Andres Forrer, Sara Cibella, Guido Torrioli, Mattias Beck, and Jerome Faist "Temporal properties od THz frequency combs quantum cascade lasers in ridge and ring resonators", Proc. SPIE PC12406, Real-time Measurements, Rogue Phenomena, and Single-Shot Applications VIII, PC1240607 (17 March 2023);
Frequency combs

Quantum cascade lasers


Terahertz radiation



Frequency modulation

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