19 August 2016 The optical design of GMOX: a next-generation instrument concept for Gemini
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We present the optical design of GMOX, the Gemini Multi-Object eXtra-wide-band spectrograph. GMOX was selected as part of the Gemini Instrument Feasibility Study to develop capabilities and requirements for the next facility instrument (Gen4#3) for the observatory. We envision GMOX covering the entire optical/near-IR wavelength range accessible from the ground, from 3500 Å in the U band up to 2.4 μm in the K band, with nominal resolving power R≃5,000. To maximize efficiency, the bandpass is split into three spectrograph arms - blue, red, and near-infrared - with the near-infrared arm further split into three channels covering the Y+J, H, and K bands. At the heart of each arm is a Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) serving as a programmable slit array. This technology will enable GMOX to simultaneously acquire hundreds of spectra of faint sources in crowded fields with unparalleled spatial resolution, optimally adapting to both seeing-limited and diffraction limited conditions provided by ALTAIR and GeMS at Gemini North and South, respectively. Fed by GeMS at f/33, GMOX can synthesize slits as small as 40 mas (corresponding to a single HST/WFC3 CCD pixel) over its entire 85”x45” field of view. With either ALTAIR or the native telescope focal ratio of f/16, both the slit and field sizes double. In this paper we discuss the conceptual optical design of GMOX including, for each arm: the pre-slit optics, DMD slit array, off-axis Schmidt collimator, VPH grating, and refractive spectrograph and slit-viewing cameras.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Robert Barkhouser, Massimo Robberto, Stephen A. Smee, Zoran Ninkov, Mario Gennaro, and Timothy Heckman "The optical design of GMOX: a next-generation instrument concept for Gemini", Proc. SPIE 9908, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, 990852 (19 August 2016);
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Digital micromirror devices

Electroluminescent displays


Near infrared



Gemini Observatory


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