4 September 2015 Skeleton-based OPC application for DSA full chip mask correction
L. Schneider, V. Farys, E. Serret, C. Fenouillet-Beranger
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Proceedings Volume 9661, 31st European Mask and Lithography Conference; 966106 (2015)
Event: 31st European Mask and Lithography Conference, 2015, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Recent industrial results around directed self-assembly (DSA) of block copolymers (BCP) have demonstrated the high potential of this technique [1-2]. The main advantage being cost reduction thanks to a reduced number of lithographic steps. Meanwhile, the associated correction for mask creation must account for the introduction of this new technique, maintaining a high level of accuracy and reliability. In order to create VIA (Vertical Interconnect Layer) layer, graphoepitaxy DSA can be used. The technique relies on the creation of a confinement guides where the BCP can separate into distinct regions and resulting patterns are etched in order to obtain an ordered series of VIA contact. The printing of the guiding pattern requires the use of classical lithography. Optical proximity correction (OPC) is applied to obtain the best suited guiding pattern allowing to match a specific design target.

In this study, an original approach for DSA full chip mask optical proximity correction based on a skeleton representation of a guiding pattern is proposed. The cost function for an OPC process is based on minimizing the Central Placement Error (CPE), defined as the difference between an ideal skeleton target and a generated skeleton from a guiding contour. The high performance of this approach for DSA OPC full chip correction and its ability to minimize variability error on via placement is demonstrated and reinforced by the comparison with a rigorous model. Finally this Skeleton approach is highlighted as an appropriate tool for Design rules definition.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
L. Schneider, V. Farys, E. Serret, and C. Fenouillet-Beranger "Skeleton-based OPC application for DSA full chip mask correction", Proc. SPIE 9661, 31st European Mask and Lithography Conference, 966106 (4 September 2015);
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Optical proximity correction

Directed self assembly






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