To detect magnetic signals coming from the body, in particular those produced by the electrical activity of the heart or of the brain, the development of ultrasensitive sensors is required. In this regard, magnetoresistive sensors, stemming from spin electronics, are very promising devices. For example, tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) junctions based on MgO tunnel barrier have a high sensitivity. Nevertheless, TMR also often have high level of noise. Full spin polarized materials like manganite La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) are attractive alternative candidates to develop such sensors because LSMO exhibits a very low 1/f noise when grown on single crystals, and a TMR response has been observed with values up to 2000%. This kind of tunnel junctions, when combined with a high Tc superconductor loop, opens up possibilities to develop full oxide structures working at liquid nitrogen temperature and suitable for medical imaging. In this work, we investigated on LSMO-based tunnel junctions the parameters controlling the overall system performances, including not only the TMR ratio, but also the pinning of the reference layer and the noise floor. We especially focused on studying the effects of the quality of the barrier, the interface and the electrode, by playing with materials and growth conditions.