24 June 2014 Smart filters: from VIS/NIR to MW/LWIR protection
Ariela Donval, Tali Fisher, Ofir Lipman, Moshe Oron
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New development of imaging systems implies the use of multi band wavelength, VIS and IR, for imaging enhancement and more data presenting. Some of those systems, such as <see spot<, are designed for applications requiring in plus, the ability to see the aiming point of a laser designator. The use of a designating laser to assist in target identification and tracking can unintentionally result in a laser beam reflected back into the sensor, leading to transient dazzling or permanent damage of the sensor. We propose a novel passive Wideband Protection Filter (WPF) that blocks the transmission only if the power exceeds a certain threshold. We present a special design of WPF suitable for dual- and multi- band wavelength range, including transmission and functionality performances. We demonstrate a new design transferring our WPF filter from VIS/NIR into the MW/LWIR.
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Ariela Donval, Tali Fisher, Ofir Lipman, and Moshe Oron "Smart filters: from VIS/NIR to MW/LWIR protection", Proc. SPIE 9070, Infrared Technology and Applications XL, 90700R (24 June 2014);
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Optical filters


Imaging systems



Forward looking infrared

Infrared imaging


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