24 October 2013 Development of a compressive sampling hyperspectral imager prototype
Alessandro Barducci, Donatella Guzzi, Cinzia Lastri, Vanni Nardino, Paolo Marcoionni, Ivan Pippi
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Compressive sensing (CS) is a new technology that investigates the chance to sample signals at a lower rate than the traditional sampling theory. The main advantage of CS is that compression takes place during the sampling phase, making possible significant savings in terms of the ADC, data storage memory, down-link bandwidth, and electrical power absorption. The CS technology could have primary importance for spaceborne missions and technology, paving the way to noteworthy reductions of payload mass, volume, and cost. On the contrary, the main CS disadvantage is made by the intensive off-line data processing necessary to obtain the desired source estimation. In this paper we summarize the CS architecture and its possible implementations for Earth observation, giving evidence of possible bottlenecks hindering this technology. CS necessarily employs a multiplexing scheme, which should produce some SNR disadvantage. Moreover, this approach would necessitate optical light modulators and 2-dim detector arrays of high frame rate. This paper describes the development of a sensor prototype at laboratory level that will be utilized for the experimental assessment of CS performance and the related reconstruction errors. The experimental test-bed adopts a push-broom imaging spectrometer, a liquid crystal plate, a standard CCD camera and a Silicon PhotoMultiplier (SiPM) matrix. The prototype is being developed within the framework of the ESA ITI-B Project titled “Hyperspectral Passive Satellite Imaging via Compressive Sensing”.
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Alessandro Barducci, Donatella Guzzi, Cinzia Lastri, Vanni Nardino, Paolo Marcoionni, and Ivan Pippi "Development of a compressive sampling hyperspectral imager prototype", Proc. SPIE 8889, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XVII, 88891R (24 October 2013); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Spatial light modulators

Compressed sensing

Hyperspectral imaging

Signal to noise ratio

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