20 November 2012 Ultra-short silicon MMI duplexer
Huaxiang Yi, Yawen Huang, Xingjun Wang, Zhiping Zhou
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The fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) systems are growing fast these days, where two different wavelengths are used for upstream and downstream traffic, typically 1310nm and 1490nm. The duplexers are the key elements to separate these wavelengths into different path in central offices (CO) and optical network unit (ONU) in passive optical network (PON). Multimode interference (MMI) has some benefits to be a duplexer including large fabrication tolerance, low-temperature dependence, and low-polarization dependence, but its size is too large to integrate in conventional case. Based on the silicon photonics platform, ultra-short silicon MMI duplexer was demonstrated to separate the 1310nm and 1490nm lights. By studying the theory of self-image phenomena in MMI, the first order images are adopted in order to keep the device short. A cascaded MMI structure was investigated to implement the wavelength splitting, where both the light of 1310nm and 1490nm was input from the same port, and the 1490nm light was coupling cross the first MMI and output at the cross-port in the device while the 1310nm light was coupling through the first and second MMI and output at the bar-port in the device. The experiment was carried on with the SOI wafer of 340nm top silicon. The cascaded MMI was investigated to fold the length of the duplexer as short as 117μm with the extinct ratio over 10dB.
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Huaxiang Yi, Yawen Huang, Xingjun Wang, and Zhiping Zhou "Ultra-short silicon MMI duplexer", Proc. SPIE 8564, Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics, 856410 (20 November 2012); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Brain-machine interfaces



Fiber to the x

Multimode interference devices

Silicon photonics

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