8 February 2012 Spatially and spectrally varying guided mode resonant filter by modifying the waveguide layer
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In this paper, we will present the concept, fabrication methods, and simulation results of a novel type of Graded Transmissivity Optic based on a space variant Guided Mode Resonance Filter (GMRF). This GMRF comprised of a single dielectric layer deposited on a transparent substrate. The layer is PECVD grown Silicon Nitrirde with a subwavelength grating (SWG) partially etched through it. The unetched portion of the layer is termed the waveguiding region. When light is incident upon the GMRF at the resonant wavelength, the SWG couples light into a waveguide mode. However, due to the SWG on the waveguide, this mode is leaky and re-couples the light back towards the source. The resonance of the GMRF is a function of the optical properties of the materials used; the thickness of the dielectric layers; and the period and fill-fraction of the SWG. The resonance will change across the device by slowly varying the thickness of the waveguiding layer. Previous work has varied the resonance across the structure by varying the fill fraction of the grating. The methods involved in the previous work made that process usable for only a very narrow range of wavelengths, however this new method will be scalable to a larger wavelength range. The waveguiding layer will be sculpted using Additive Lithography and ICP etching. Afterwards the SWG will be patterned into the Silicon Nitride Layer.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Zachary A. Roth, Menelaos K. Poutous, and Eric G. Johnson "Spatially and spectrally varying guided mode resonant filter by modifying the waveguide layer", Proc. SPIE 8249, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics V, 82490H (8 February 2012);
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