3 November 2010 Phase function effects for ocean color retrieval algorithm
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Inherent optical properties (IOPs), e.g., absorption, back scattering coefficients, and volume scattering function, are important parameters for radiance transfer simulation. Commercially available instruments (e.g., Wetlabs ACS, BB9, etc, and HOBILabs a-sphere, HS6, etc) basically only measure absorption and back scattering coefficients. In this paper, we used the same IOPs of International Ocean-Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG) report 5 and Hydrolight to simulate the radiance distribution, however, different phase functions, say, a new phase function derived from the measured data by multispectral volume scattering meter (MVSM) in coastal waters, the widely used Petzold average phase function, and the Fournier-Forand (FF) phase function, were employed in the simulations. The simulation results were used to develop the retrieval algorithm with angular effects correction based on the quasi-analytical algorithm(QAA) developed by Lee et al.. Results showed that not only the back scattering probability, but also the angular shape of phase function are important for ocean color retrieval algorithm. Considering the importance of phase function in ocean color remote sensing, methods to validate the phase function data should be developed.
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KePing Du and Zhongping Lee "Phase function effects for ocean color retrieval algorithm", Proc. SPIE 7858, Remote Sensing of the Coastal Ocean, Land, and Atmosphere Environment, 785809 (3 November 2010); Logo
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Remote sensing



Algorithm development

Computer simulations

Phase measurement

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