12 October 2010 Identification of substance in complicated mixture of simulants under the action of THz radiation on the base of SDA (spectral dynamics analysis) method
Vyacheslav A. Trofimov, Svetlana A. Varentsova, Arunas Krotkus, Gediminas Molis
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The SDA (Spectral Dynamics Analysis) - method (method of THz spectrum dynamics analysis in THz range of frequencies) is used for the detection and identification of substances with similar THz Fourier spectra (such substances are named usually as the simulants) in the two- or three-component medium. This method allows us to obtain the unique 2D THz signature of the substance - the spectrogram- and to analyze the dynamics of many spectral lines of the THz signal, passed through or reflected from substance, by one set of its integral measurements simultaneously; even measurements are made on short-term intervals (less than 20 ps). For long-term intervals (100 ps and more) the SDA method gives an opportunity to define the relaxation time for excited energy levels of molecules. This information gives new opportunity to identify the substance because the relaxation time is different for molecules of different substances. The restoration of the signal by its integral values is made on the base of SVD - Single Value Decomposition - technique. We consider three examples for PTFE mixed with small content of the L-Tartaric Acid and the Sucrose in pellets. A concentration of these substances is about 5%-10%. Our investigations show that the spectrograms and dynamics of spectral lines of THz pulse passed through the pure PTFE differ from the spectrograms of the compound medium containing PTFE and the L-Tartaric Acid or the Sucrose or both these substances together. So, it is possible to detect the presence of a small amount of the additional substances in the sample even their THz Fourier spectra are practically identical. Therefore, the SDA method can be very effective for the defense and security applications and for quality control in pharmaceutical industry. We also show that in the case of substances-simulants the use of auto- and correlation functions has much worse resolvability in a comparison with the SDA method.
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Vyacheslav A. Trofimov, Svetlana A. Varentsova, Arunas Krotkus, and Gediminas Molis "Identification of substance in complicated mixture of simulants under the action of THz radiation on the base of SDA (spectral dynamics analysis) method", Proc. SPIE 7838, Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting VI and Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology VII, 78380B (12 October 2010); Logo
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Terahertz radiation

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