22 April 2008 A short overview of the most actual problems in the area of fiber bending and chromatic dispersion in photonic crystal fibers
M. Lucki, L. Bohac, J. Vodrazka
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This paper is oriented to present a short overview of chosen aspects in the area of Photonic Crystal Fibers, primarily nonlinear dispersion properties induced by fiber bending. This topic refers to applications of to microstructure optical components of high-speed transmission systems, such as dispersion compensator based on negative chromatic dispersion resulting from bending the fiber at certain radius. It is possible to achieve record-breaking negative dispersion (thousands of ps/nm/km) at large effective mode area - done without doping in the core. Although the viability of application negative CD to the compensation of group velocity is discussible (due to bending losses), there are conclusions about tuning the zero-dispersion wavelength and designing the fiber that would not be sensitive for bending over the C-band at office conditions. The study of effective indices for bending at different radii and for different fill fraction has been provided. The essential problem was to provide a study of CD profiles, analysis of the phase-matching while coupling between LP01 and cladding modes, defining the most optimal reference configuration ensuring the minimum negative CD with calculation of the sensitivity of optical nonlinearities to the deviation of bending radius or imprecision of structural parameters.
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M. Lucki, L. Bohac, and J. Vodrazka "A short overview of the most actual problems in the area of fiber bending and chromatic dispersion in photonic crystal fibers", Proc. SPIE 6990, Photonic Crystal Fibers II, 69900X (22 April 2008); Logo
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Photonic crystal fibers


Light wave propagation

Critical dimension metrology

Nonlinear optics

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