1 April 2008 Glaucoma diagnosis by mapping macula with Fourier domain optical coherence tomography
Ou Tan, Ake Lu, Vik Chopra, Rohit Varma, Ishikawa Hiroshi, Joel Schuman M.D., David Huang
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A new image segmentation method was developed to detect macular retinal sub-layers boundary on newly-developed Fourier-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (FD-OCT) with macular grid scan pattern. The segmentation results were used to create thickness map of macular ganglion cell complex (GCC), which contains the ganglion cell dendrites, cell bodies and axons. Overall average and several pattern analysis parameters were defined on the GCC thickness map and compared for the diagnosis of glaucoma. Intraclass correlation (ICC) is used to compare the reproducibility of the parameters. Area under receiving operative characteristic curve (AROC) was calculated to compare the diagnostic power. The result is also compared to the output of clinical time-domain OCT (TD-OCT). We found that GCC based parameters had good repeatability and comparable diagnostic power with circumpapillary nerve fiber layer (cpNFL) thickness. Parameters based on pattern analysis can increase the diagnostic power of GCC macular mapping.
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Ou Tan, Ake Lu, Vik Chopra, Rohit Varma, Ishikawa Hiroshi, Joel Schuman M.D., and David Huang "Glaucoma diagnosis by mapping macula with Fourier domain optical coherence tomography", Proc. SPIE 6915, Medical Imaging 2008: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 69153L (1 April 2008);
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Optical coherence tomography



Image segmentation



3D image processing

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