20 November 2007 A novel submersible phytoplankton fluorometer with multi-wavelength light emitting diode array as excitation source
Zhi-gang Wang, Wen-qing Liu, Yu-jun Zhang, Wei-chang Sima, Jian-guo Liu
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Monitoring of different phytoplankton biomass is an important task for environmental management. Here, a novel submersible phytoplankton fluorometer which use light emitting diode (LED) array as excitation source is presented. Six LEDs of different wavelength are included in the excitation LED-array, the maximal emission wavelength are 380nm, 450nm,520nm,570nm,590nm and 610nm. By means of pulse excitation of different LED, fluorescence of Chl-a in different phytoplankton cells is collected and recorded. Comparing to excitation fluorescence spectral and using multivariate linear regression, chlorophyll-a content of different spectral group phytoplankton can be retrieved. With temperature and pressure probe, information of water temperature and depth also can be recorded. Consequently, the submersible phytoplankton fluorometer can used to measure chlorophyll-a content of different spectral groups phytoplankton in vitro and in situ. Potential application of the submersible phytoplankton fluorometer in environment monitoring is further elucidated.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Zhi-gang Wang, Wen-qing Liu, Yu-jun Zhang, Wei-chang Sima, and Jian-guo Liu "A novel submersible phytoplankton fluorometer with multi-wavelength light emitting diode array as excitation source", Proc. SPIE 6828, Light-Emitting Diode Materials and Devices II, 682817 (20 November 2007);
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Light emitting diodes

Signal detection

Environmental monitoring

In vivo imaging

Biological research


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