8 June 2007 Improving the detection task performance of a LWIR imaging system through the use of wavefront coding
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In a traditional optical system the imaging performance is maximized at a single point in the operational space. This characteristic leads to maximizing the probability of detection if the object is on axis, at the designed conjugate, with the designed operational temperature and if the system components are manufactured without error in form and alignment. Due to the many factors that influence the system's image quality the probability of detection will decrease away from this peak value. An infrared imaging system is presented that statistically creates a higher probability of detection over the complete operational space for the Hotelling observer. The system is enabled through the use of wavefront coding, a computational imaging technology in which optics, mechanics, detection and signal processing are combined to enable LWIR imaging systems to be realized with detection task performance that is difficult or impossible to obtain in the optical domain alone. The basic principles of statistical decision theory will be presented along with a specific example of how wavefront coding technology can enable improved performance and reduced sensitivity to some of the fundamental constraints inherent in LWIR systems.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kevin A. Gross and Kenny Kubala "Improving the detection task performance of a LWIR imaging system through the use of wavefront coding", Proc. SPIE 6542, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXIII, 65422A (8 June 2007);
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Imaging systems


Image quality

Signal detection

Modulation transfer functions

Long wavelength infrared

Error analysis


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