3 March 2007 Network patterns recognition for automatic dermatologic images classification
Costantino Grana, Vanini Daniele M.D., Giovanni Pellacani M.D., Stefania Seidenari M.D., Rita Cucchiara
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In this paper we focus on the problem of automatic classification of melanocytic lesions, aiming at identifying the presence of reticular patterns. The recognition of reticular lesions is an important step in the description of the pigmented network, in order to obtain meaningful diagnostic information. Parameters like color, size or symmetry could benefit from the knowledge of having a reticular or non-reticular lesion. The detection of network patterns is performed with a three-steps procedure. The first step is the localization of line points, by means of the line points detection algorithm, firstly described by Steger. The second step is the linking of such points into a line considering the direction of the line at its endpoints and the number of line points connected to these. Finally a third step discards the meshes which couldn't be closed at the end of the linking procedure and the ones characterized by anomalous values of area or circularity. The number of the valid meshes left and their area with respect to the whole area of the lesion are the inputs of a discriminant function which classifies the lesions into reticular and non-reticular. This approach was tested on two balanced (both sets are formed by 50 reticular and 50 non-reticular images) training and testing sets. We obtained above 86% correct classification of the reticular and non-reticular lesions on real skin images, with a specificity value never lower than 92%.
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Costantino Grana, Vanini Daniele M.D., Giovanni Pellacani M.D., Stefania Seidenari M.D., and Rita Cucchiara "Network patterns recognition for automatic dermatologic images classification", Proc. SPIE 6512, Medical Imaging 2007: Image Processing, 65124C (3 March 2007); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Image classification

Detection and tracking algorithms

Pattern recognition



Image filtering

Chemical elements

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