4 April 2005 A novel CL system for PDT therapecitic dosimeter in vitro
Yanfang Qin, Da Xing, Xueyun Zhong, Jing Zhou, Shiming Luo, Qun Chen
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It has been proved that singlet oxygen is the major cytotoxic agent in Photodynamic therapy (PDT). Chemiluminescence(CL) mediated with Cyp- ridina luciferin analog (FCLA) was recently reported to successfully detect singlet oxygen in chemical and biological systems. The present study has focused on establishing the experiment conditions of FCLA-assisted CL method and tested the validity of the system as a dosimetric tool for PDT in vitro. HL-60 leukemia cell suspensions were sensitized with varying dose of Photofrin and irradiated with 635nm laser light at different rate. The FCLA-CL associated with singlet oxygen was measured with a band-pass filtered photon multiplier tube (PMT) system. We have observed that the CL intensity of FCLA is dependent on PDT treatment parameters. In addition, Cell survival corresponded strongly with peak CL intensity. These results suggest that the FCLA-assisted CL system can be an effective means in in vitro PDT study as an indicator of reactive oxygen species. The system may as well, with additional investigations, provide an alternative dosimetry technique for PDT.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yanfang Qin, Da Xing, Xueyun Zhong, Jing Zhou, Shiming Luo, and Qun Chen "A novel CL system for PDT therapecitic dosimeter in vitro", Proc. SPIE 5704, Genetically Engineered and Optical Probes for Biomedical Applications III, (4 April 2005);
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Photodynamic therapy


In vitro testing


Analog electronics

Biological detection systems

Laser therapeutics

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