6 February 2004 Fabrication of photovoltaic cell from ruthenium-containing polymer using layer-by-layer polyelectrolytes adsorption technique
Ka Yan Kitty Man, Kai Wing Cheng, Hei Ling Wong, Chung Yin Kwong, Wai Kin Chan, Aleksandra B. Djurisic
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Multilayer photovoltaic devices were fabricated by the sequence adsorption of different polyelectrolytes. A ruthenium terpyridine complex containing poly(p-phenylenevinylene) was used as the polycation layer. This polymer has been shown to exhibit large photo-sensitivity due to the presence of the ruthenium complex, which has relatively long-lived excited state. This polymer absorbs strongly in the visible region at ca. 480 - 550 nm and it can act as the electron transporter. Sulfonated polyaniline was used as the hole-transporting polyanion layer. The ITO/(polyanion/polycation)n/Al devices were found to exhibit photovoltaic properties under the illumination of AM1 solar radiation. The short-circuit current Isc, open-circuit voltage Voc, and the fill factor FF were measured to be 14 μA/cm2, 0.84 V and 0.16 respectively. It was found that the power conversion efficiencies of the devices were dependent on the device thickness. This simple layer-by-layer self-assembly method allowed us to control the devices thickness accurately.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ka Yan Kitty Man, Kai Wing Cheng, Hei Ling Wong, Chung Yin Kwong, Wai Kin Chan, and Aleksandra B. Djurisic "Fabrication of photovoltaic cell from ruthenium-containing polymer using layer-by-layer polyelectrolytes adsorption technique", Proc. SPIE 5215, Organic Photovoltaics IV, (6 February 2004);
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