12 December 2003 Algorithm development environment for an online FT-NIR spectrometer
Dimitrios Kalamatianos, John M Edmunds, Peter E Wellstead, Ralph J Houston, Simon M Christie, Maureen S Thorniley, Richard J Dewhurst
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This paper describes a software development environment suitable for advanced signal processing and feedback control algorithms for interferometry. The significance of software fast prototyping tools is illustrated where theoretically challenging algorithms are to be implemented. Specifically, a case is discussed where advanced control is deemed necessary for reliable operation of FT-NIR instruments in an on-line environment. In this particular case, an interactive test bed for new algorithmic approaches is developed, such that advanced theories and methods can be rapidly tested and validated with the real-world interferometer hardware. This development environment also allows new interfacing concepts with mechanical and optical hardware to be tested. Use of this environment is illustrated for the case of a novel Michelson NIR spectrometer operating in the range 800-2200 nm.
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Dimitrios Kalamatianos, John M Edmunds, Peter E Wellstead, Ralph J Houston, Simon M Christie, Maureen S Thorniley, and Richard J Dewhurst "Algorithm development environment for an online FT-NIR spectrometer", Proc. SPIE 5201, Photonic Devices and Algorithms for Computing V, (12 December 2003);
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Algorithm development


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