5 March 2003 Definition of the Active Cooling System for the Space Instrument CIVA/Mars
Sujit Lamartinie, Jean-Pierre Bibring, Alain Soufflot
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CIVA/Mars is a space miniaturized spectral imaging microscope. It is designed to in-situ analyze samples on Mars surface. It requires the use of a double cooling system : a passive cooling for the global instrument which will be maintained at a temperature higher than 160 K and an active cooling system for the IR MCT detector matrix which must be maintained at a temperature lower than 140 K. Taking into account the mission constraints, a trade-off analysis of available active cooling systems led to the choice of a thermoelectrical cooler (TEC). Space validation tests of standard multi-stage TECs were performed. Performances did not meet the technical specifications of the instrument. Two types of customized TEC modules were then designed and manufactured : mechanical prototypes from RMT Ltd. and optimized modules from Marlow Ind. A first RMT prototype passed the vibration & shock qualification tests and a second passed the low temperatures vacuum qualification tests with few margins. A Marlow optimized module passed the low temperatures vacuum qualification tests; its characteristics and performances make it compatible with CIVA/Mars. In this paper, the instrument mission and characteristics are first presented. Then TEC design studies are discussed. Finally, optimized TEC space qualification tests are detailed, and the performances analyzed.
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Sujit Lamartinie, Jean-Pierre Bibring, and Alain Soufflot "Definition of the Active Cooling System for the Space Instrument CIVA/Mars", Proc. SPIE 4850, IR Space Telescopes and Instruments, (5 March 2003); Logo
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