18 November 2002 Advanced two-dimensional thermal neutron detectors for scattering studies
Jack Fried, Joe A. Harder, George J. Mahler, Donald S. Makowiecki, Joe A. Mead, Veljko Radeka, Neil A. Schaknowski, Graham C. Smith, Bo Yu
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Advances in neutron scattering studies will be given a large boost with the advent of new spallation and reactor sources at present under consideration or construction. An important element for future experiments is a commensurate improvement in neutron detection techniques. At Brookhaven, a development program is under way for greatly increasing the angular coverage, rate capability and resolution of detectors for scattering studies. For example, a curved detector with angular coverage of 120° by 15° has recently been developed for protein crystallography at a spallation source. Based on neutron detection using 3He, the detector has the following major, new attributes: eight identical proportional wire segments operating in parallel, a single gas volume with seamless readout at segment boundaries, parallax errors eliminated in the horizontal plane by the detector's appropriate radius of curvature, high-throughput front-end electronics, position decoding based on high performance digital signal processing. The detector has a global rate capability greater than 1 million per second, position resolution less than 1.5 mm FWHM, timing resolution about 1 μs, efficiency of 50% and 90% at 1Å and 4 Å respectively, and an active area 1.5 m x 20 cm.
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Jack Fried, Joe A. Harder, George J. Mahler, Donald S. Makowiecki, Joe A. Mead, Veljko Radeka, Neil A. Schaknowski, Graham C. Smith, and Bo Yu "Advanced two-dimensional thermal neutron detectors for scattering studies", Proc. SPIE 4785, Advances in Neutron Scattering Instrumentation, (18 November 2002);
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